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one week lata, omniscient •

Ny'kera layed down beside key using the sheets to cover her naked body "you should get a tattoo of my face on your chest" she spoke , when key didn't say anything she turned her head to look at him seeing he was sleep . She smacked her teeth before sliding out the bed and picking her underwear up off the floor .


"That bitch so dumb" Ari laughed shaking her head at mariyahlynn as she watched old love and hip hop reruns .

"Has it been 5 minutes yet?" Ny'kera asked as she sat anxiously on the couch.

"I don't know kera go see" Ari spoke pausing the TV.

"I don't wanna , you go" ny'kera said .

Ari got up fixing her shorts "the worst it could say is positive right?" Ari spoke before walking to the bathroom, she picked the 4 pregnancy tests up and read them before walking back out to ny'kera.

"These bitches bout confusing asf" she spoke , ny'kera got up looking at the tests . Out of four only one of them had a line and the line was barley there .

"majority wins.. I'm not pregnant" ny'kera spoke nodding .

"Well that doesn't explain why you've missed your period for 3 months and been hella sick" Ari said looking up at kera .

Ny'kera shrugged "the tests don't lie"

"Well i got these from the dollar store so maybe you should go to a doctor just to make sure" Ari spoke throwing the tests alway.

"How do you think Key would feel... you know ... if I was pregnant"

Ari shrugged "what was your goal in all this anyways?"

"I don't know Ari . I make stupid decisions that's why I have you, your supposed to tell me when I'm being stupid not help me fucking kiddnap someone" ny'kera simi yelled.

"You right . But I knew how bad you liked him"

"Every fucking body likes him . He's a celebrity that don't mean kidnap the man" ny'kera said.

"Bitch you acting like I'm the one who wanted to kidnap him" Ari asked raising her voice as well.

"You the one knocked him in the head with Hennessy bottle and you the one who shot him"

"Well Ny'kera Desirae Wilson since you feel so fucking bad unchain him . He might stay with yo delousional, psycho ass" Ari yelled as she stood up.

"Wait, I'm sorry Ari" ny'kera mumbled.

"I didn't mean to snap on you it's not your fault it's all mine ." ny'kera spoke .

"It's okay kera, you need to take your mind off it and Come to the mall with me and Lensey tomorrow"

"You and Lensey? Since when y'all started hanging out without me?"

"Since yo ass been ghost on me" Ari spoke sitting back down



I might rewrite this chapter cuz it's bipolar asf.

My Instagram trippin so ig ima be on here updating 🤷🏾‍♀️🙂.

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