Jessica's Tell-All

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“You want the full story of what happened?  Fine, I’ll tell you the story.  It was in the hallway before lunch, I caught Ariella’s eye.  She was wearing really big and baggy clothes, this huge sweatshirt that must’ve belonged to her dad and these sweatpants that made me sweat.  I walked over and touched her shoulder, she shivered.  I said ‘Hey Ariella, how’s it going’ and she just turned away.  So, I did what I normally do.  I walked in front of her and said ‘what’s up with your clothes, did something happen?’  Ariella knew I wasn’t really asking, I mean, I didn’t really care.  I only asked because I knew she wouldn’t answer and I would laugh at her for it.  ‘Leave me alone, Jessica, please’ she said quietly.  ‘What? Huh? Speak up, I couldn’t hear you!’ I said and a crowd started to form.  People are usually drawn to me, I can’t help that.  That’s why when people heard me becoming loud they started forming around me and Ariella.  ‘I said leave me alone’ Ariella said, I can remember everything like it was just the other day.  ‘Shut up Ariel, I will talk to whoever I want.  And right now, I want to talk to you.’  I said.  ‘It’s Ariella, learn it.’  I don’t know what it was, Doc, but when she said ‘learn it’ something inside of me snapped.  That’s when everyone was watching us, I knew I was going to fight her and so did everybody else.  ‘Learn it?  You want me to learn it?  Why would I? You don’t fucking matter in this school!  If you haven’t noticed, nobody like you, Ariel.  Shut the fuck up.  Go fuck yourself, dyke.’  I said and the crowd went wild.  Ariella began to leave and that’s when I grabbed her by her hair and threw her onto the ground.  She started crying, like a wimp, as I hit her over and over and over again.  I was on top of her and I couldn’t stop myself from punching her, I tried, I knew I was doing something wrong but my fist kept going.  When a teacher finally found us and broke us up, I saw what I did.  Ariella’s face was bleeding, her nose was bruised, her eyes were puffy and purple, and she was sobbing.  I couldn’t stop.  That’s something I never told anybody.  I just couldn’t stop.”  Jessica finishes before dropping her head and crying hysterically.  Margaret and I exchanges glances as if to say what just happened and then we look back at Dr. Martin.  He looks just as surprised as us.  No one had expected that to come from this punk know-it-all.  All Dr. Martin asked was “How are you doing, Jessica? Anything you’d like to get off your chest?” and then she finally tells us what she did to poor Ariella.  I remember the fight, too.  It was the day after we shared a kiss. 

“Jessica, I’m going to prescribe you some Zoloft to help with the anger and the depression.”  Dr. Martin says and Jessica immediately lifts her head.  She wipes her eyes and her nose, which are both red and puffy, and says “But, that’s an anti-depressant.  I’m not depressed.”  I couldn’t help but feel very bad for her at that moment.  She acted like she didn’t have any feelings…but looking at her now I know that all must’ve been an act.  Maybe it was an act to cover up her sadness, or maybe she just did it for attention.  “Jessica, we can talk afterwards.  But, I think you may need a small dosage of Zoloft.  It’s only to help you.”  Then, Jessica grabbed her backpack and exited the room.  “Okay.  Collin, do you have anything you’d like to say while Jessica’s story is fresh in our minds, hm?”  And then I grabbed my bag and exited the room as well, leaving only Margaret sitting there alone.

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