The Truth

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Margaret fell onto my bed and began sobbing loudly. I didn't know what to do other than sit next to her and pat her back slowly, comforting her, which didn't work. I was still in shock over what had happened only just 6 hours or so ago, when Jessica was killed instantly. I bet most moms are gossiping as they did the night Ariella died, probably saying Jessica deserved it after what she did. Cops questioned me for only a few minutes when they arrived on the scene, but I brushed them off telling them I was so frightened and shocked that I couldn't bear to discuss what happened. But, that was a lie. For some strange reason I wasn't shocked or frightened or even surprised. People who pretend they don't have feelings are always the ones most easily hurt. Margaret slowly sat up and looked at me. "Collin, what did she say before she...before she was killed?" After letting that one sentence get out her voice cracked and she started to cry again. I couldn't really tell Margaret what Jessica's last words were. I had to lie...again. "Margaret, she told me that she missed you, missed being friends with you. She told me she was a real person, and shouldn't have pretended not to be. She went on a ramble about how pretty you are and I agreed, that's when she mentioned she never felt pretty and she was bullying Ariella because she was jealous." I didn't even expect her to believe my bullshit story, but she looked up into my eyes and hugged me. "She said I was pretty?" She asked. She must've been so distraught after what happened so I excused her for being vain and stupid. "Yes, and I agreed." And just like that Margaret leaned in and kissed me. Her lips tasted salty and watery, like the tears she had just shed. She ran her hand down my chest and to my groin which caused all the blood to leave my head and flow to the touch of her hand. She took off my shirt and I took of hers. That's when I broke the kiss and heard the words finally come out of my mouth. "Margaret...I raped Ariella."

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