Chapter ︳03

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(Danish/n.) An intimate, loving feeling associated with sitting around a fire in winter with close friends.

) An intimate, loving feeling associated with sitting around a fire in winter with close friends

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~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

The sun ever so faintly shinnied through the curtains, delicately dancing upon the walls and signalling to me it was time for the day to start. I was cozy, all wrapped up in soft furry blankets and curled into a perfectly formed ball. A small giddy smile played along my pouty lips as I happily snuggled against my pillow. Gosh, what's wrong with me?

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my waking eyes, completely overwhelmed with this strange feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Not even public speeches made me feel such a wide range of conflicting emotions of happiness, nervousness, and eagerness. And all because of him - Zuko. Groaning out loud I fell back upon my bed. It took me ages to fall asleep last night, just remembering the events that took place...

"You have to take me there some time..." He said softly. I looked at him and noticed our position. We looked like lovers, linking arms as we looked out the windows.

I couldn't help but look at those pink pouty lips of his; his tongue running along his bottom lip. It took me a minute to realize that we were both looking at each other's mouths, his head slowly moving down towards mine. My heart throbbed loudly in my ears, my hands getting clammy, oh my gosh, he's going to kiss me! What do I do?! Instinctively I closed my eyes, and I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks...and a gust of wind hit the side of my cheek, what the-

I opened my eyes surprised, only to see Zuko grinning, "Sorry Princess, you had something on your face, had to blow it away."

I slapped my hands against my face and internally screamed, what is wrong with me!? Did I want to kiss him - I just met the guy! But those lips... I slapped my hands against my bed, tightly gripping my bedsheets, realizing that I had to get out of bed and distract myself from the scandalous thoughts that flashed across my mind. Throwing my feet over the edge, I grabbed my robe that hung off my bedpost and quickly tied it around my body.

I waltzed over to the bathroom, getting ready to prepare for the day. I was unsure of what today would consist of, as although yesterday was eventful - courtesy of that almost-kiss, the day was cut short. After that awkward scenario, we went off to eat lunch. Thankfully, Zuko never mentioned that moment during lunch, which in some ways was surprising given it would have been a perfect opportunity to tease me. Alternatively, maybe he remembered the fair warning about Sokka potentially killing him should he come THAT close to me. Regardless, soon after lunch was over, Earth Nation documents had arrived which required urgent attention from Aang and Zuko, resulting in them locked behind doors till late at night.

Given how close Zuko's and my room was, it was not until late at night I finally heard him quietly walk down the hallway and enter into his quarters. Part of me empathized with him, he came here to rest but was once again bombarded with work. Something Zuko made clear at lunch yesterday that paperwork and meetings seemed to consume most of his time when he was busy playing Fire Lord. I couldn't help but forget his royal title; maybe it was because all of the stories I have heard made him seem like one of us; a man living life.

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