michael // one.

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I smirked as I looked at the seven faces around me. If anything, I was a pro at telling scary stories; I had a natural talent for it.

When I was younger, I spent so much time telling stories of pure horror and torture to this very group of friends. They would all have different reactions to my stories. What I found funny was the fact that no matter how stupid the story was, they all seemed to believe it.

I remember telling them the story of Denny the Alligator (Okay, I know this wasn't a story of "pure horror and torture,"but come on, I was like 6) who went around eating all of the little kid's most prized possessions. Kenz kept her favorite toy with her at all times for months.

How she would respond to my actual horror stories always amused me. Usually it would end with her crying, which I admit, at the time I didn't feel bad about. And to be honest, I still don't feel bad. I thought it was funny! Even she looks back on it and laughs.

Now that we're older, she just rolls her eyes every time I try to tell something even remotely scary, but there were times when I could tell that she did get a little freaked out. It was always easy to tell when she was scared. I knew just coming out to Lake Willow scared her a bit; I could see the fear in her eyes when we pulled down the long road that winds deep into the forest.

I took a quick look at Kenz, debating on whether or not to PG this story a bit, more for her sake than anyone else's. I decided against it.

Looking out at the dark lake, I racked my brain as I thought and thought.

Everyone in this town knew about the events that took place here nearly 50 years ago. It was no secret. We were on the front page of every newspaper in the state. But because the story got so big, many stories were made.

It's not like I believed anything anyone said about the events that happened here. I mean, yes, what happened in the 60's was completely true. But the stories of all the demonic shit that happened afterwards? Bullshit.

But it wouldn't hurt to make it out like I believed some of the weird shit, right? Just to scare my friends a bit?

There were so many stories related to the aftermath of the tragedy that took place. Which one should I tell them? Should I make up my own?

I took another look around the circle, eyeing the different couples.

Calum had Mack lying across his chest as he absentmindedly played with her hair, both of them staring at the stars above. Cal would turn his head every few seconds to stare at Mack, and the look he was giving her was enough to make your breath catch in your throat and a blush to creep its way onto your cheeks.

Ashton and Cameron were huddled close, whispering things back and forth. Every now and then, Cam's face would light up in a smile, causing Ashton to laugh. His laugh only caused Cameron to smile even more.

Luke's lap was occupied by Caitlin, the both of them staring at each other intently, talking in hushed whispers. I was willing to bet that they were discussing college. It terrified the both of them; the thought of leaving each other.

Finally, I looked down at my Kenz again to find her staring back up at me. I smiled and kissed her softly. She was my world, my stars, my universe.

My everything.

And I only had a few more precious weeks with her.

I peeled my eyes away from her, putting my gaze back on the fire as another smirk took over my features.

Time to scare the shit out of them.

"So the story goes..."

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