luke // nine.

499 23 4


As the last word left my mouth, I couldn't take my eyes off of Caitlin.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't look away from her, and she couldn't look away from me.

Her eyes seemed to hypnotize me; seemed to put me in a trance.

Except, they weren't her eyes.

They weren't the pale blue I had grown to love. The pale blue that brought me comfort in the darkest of times. The pale blue that used to stare into mine for hours on end as we would lay side by side tucked in the safe warmth of my bed.

They were black.

And I could only assume that mine looked the same.




Just, black.

I felt hopeless looking into her eyes at that moment. There was no love, no passion, nothing.

Just hate, desperation, and pain.

But as quickly as it started, it ended.

I pulled my eyes away from Caitlin's, noticing that everyone else was still staring at their significant other.

Except Ashton.

He was staring straight at the fire burning in the middle of our circle.

And Cameron was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone slowly started to look away from each other, and with that came the noticing of Cameron's absence.

Ashton quickly whipped his head from side to side, searching for any sign of the tall brunette. I could clearly see the panic in his eyes. The love of his life just seemed to vanish.

"Cam?!" Ashton called out as he stood up.

Caitlin's grip on my arm tightened,"What's going on?" her voice cracking.

"I-I'm not sure."

"Cam! Oh my God, g-guys, where is she?! Cameron!" he yelled as he started to roam around frantically.

5 minutes later, every single one of us continued to yell her name. And she was still no where to be found.

I stepped just outside of the circle, the light the fire gave off no longer illuminating me. Goosebumps rose on my skin from the cold, but also from the undeniable uneasiness settling over me. I shivered, slowly taking a few more steps into the darkness.

I could slowly feel my mind start to slip away from me. I felt as if I had no control over my body as my feet carried me further off. I could faintly hear my name being called, but that wasn't what I was focused on. I'm not even sure what I was focused on.

All I know is that I was angry.

With each step I took, the angrier I got. My stomach was in knots and my head was pounding. I didn't know what the hell was going on.

But, I wanted to hurt someone.

As I grew angrier, I started thinking about how I could hurt someone, and who it was that I could inflict pain upon.

I started thinking about the blood. The cries of agony. The tears running down my victims cheeks.

Blonde hair.

Blue eyes.

I pictured a girl lying underneath me, her face contorted in pure anguish. My hands were wrapped around her throat, and I was squeezing the life out of her.

I removed one of my hands, sliding it up her shirt. My fingers ghosted over her breasts before trailing down her soft skin. I brought my hand back up and in one quick motion, I left three long scratch marks down her torso.

She cried out and I couldn't help but smirk. I lifted my fingers to my lips, slowly sucking the blood off of each one.

Her mouth opened, a soft plea leaving her lips. The more she begged for her life, the more I wanted to end it. I wanted to watch her suffer until she took her last breath.

I tightened my grip, lifting her head up and preparing to slam it-

I felt a hand on my forearm, burning into my skin.

"Luke, listen to me!"


I whipped around to face her. Her body shook with sobs, tears running down her cheeks.

Slowly, I felt myself slipping out of whatever hold I was in just moments before.

"Don't fucking run off like that! Oh my god what is wrong with you, I fucking hate you, I hate you, you scared me" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest.

I shook my head as I ran my fingers through her blonde hair slowly, every negative feeling in my body being replaced with ones of concern. Oh my God I really terrified her.

I continued to stroke her hair,"Shh, princess, shh...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I was just..."

What was I doing?

I sighed, letting my hands fall to her waist as I gently pushed her back so I could look at her face.

Look straight into her blue eyes.

"It's okay. I'm okay. We're okay. We are all going to be okay."

"Y-You weren't yourself, Luke. You weren't yourself," she shook her head, more sobs leaving her mouth.

"What do you mean Cait?"

"W-When you looked at me...i-it looked like you wanted to kill me."

Oh my god.

I teared up and quickly brought her back against my chest. She flinched and a soft whimper left her lips as our bodies connected.


I reached a hand out and slowly grabbed the hem of her shirt.

A choked sob left my lips as I pulled the fabric further up my girlfriend's body.

Three long, bloody scratches.

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