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Hero and I barely spoke a word to each other during the flight to Mexico.

As much as I knew what we were doing was for the best, the idea of completely forgetting that night we shared together pained me.

How could he just be willing to throw away an experience like that?

Sure, wanting to keep things professional was justifiable, but couldn't we do that and have a personal relationship as well?

Was that something I even wanted, or did I just think I did because we had sex?

"Jo," I hear Anna softly say as she nudges my shoulder.

I removed my headphones and look up at her. "What's up?"

"We can get off now."

I nod before standing from my seat, taking my bag with me.

I glance over at Hero, who had sat towards the back of the plane, watching him gathering his things.

Maria helps grab our bags before escorting herself off the plane.

Our group makes our way through the airport, security leading the way.

All together there were nine of us. Anna, myself, and Hero. Maria, Tara, Quinn, and Trace, who was Anna's close friend and makeup artist. He was also set to prep Hero as well. Michael, who was Hero's stylist for the tour and Jamie, Hero's publicist. They were a group of wonderful and energetic people, and I felt relieved knowing they'd bring some sort of ease to the tension Hero and I had surrounding us.

We make our way towards the entrance where several groups of fans were waiting for us. Hero politely tells them that we don't have time to stop for pictures, but thanks them for showing up.

Maria stays close by my side as a swarm of girls approach me. I'm a bit startled when a girl shoves her phone in my face, but I don't have the heart to tell her no.

"No pictures please." Maria harshly says before pulling me closer to her.

"It's fine." I insist.

"If you say yes to one, you have to say yes to everyone." She tells me, gesturing to the larger group of fans swarming the entrance.

This whole experience was still so new to me, and quite overwhelming. I knew that in order for me to get through this trip, I had to focus on adjusting to this new lifestyle rather than worrying about Hero.

I was optimistic about a possible relationship, but Hero knew he was doing the right thing and so did I... as much as I hated to admit it.

Thankfully we make it out of the airport and to the hotel within the next hour. We lug our bags through the hallway before stopping in front of our rooms.

"So, I got enough rooms so everyone has their own." Anna tells us.

"I'll stay with Josephine." Maria informs her before showing herself into my room.

I hear Trace and Michael snickering, but my glare stops them.

"Uh, okay well that settles that then." Anna says. "See you all in the morning."

I lift my bag higher onto my shoulder before pushing my suitcases into the room.

"Hey, Jo." Hero says as everyone begins going into their rooms.

"Hey." I simply say before gripping the door to close it.

"Wait, I wanted to ask you something."

"What?" I ask him.

"I just wanted to make sure... that we were... I don't know, cool?"

I blink several times before nodding slowly. "Yeah we're cool."

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