Los Angeles

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I had spent the past three days sitting around my apartment doing absolutely nothing before it was time to do press junkets with the cast for the premiere tomorrow.

I was currently on my way to the hotel everyone was staying at with Tara, trying to keep my mind off of Hero.

We didn't speak much in that time, and I could only hope it was for the best.

If all else failed, I wanted nothing more for us to at least remain friends. More than anything else, Hero was my friend. One of my best. He knew me better than anyone else, and he's only learned more since we've been together.

I knew that if this didn't work out, whatever we were trying to work out that is, I would never forgive myself for letting him get away.

I don't see anyone before I get to my room, assuming that everyone was getting ready. Tara wastes no time in prepping me, dressing me in a yellow plaid shell top and matching bell bottom pants.

We leave my hair and makeup natural, letting my "natural beauty speak for itself" as Tara liked to say.

I check my phone for a moment while I wait for Anna to come get me. I smile when I watch my castmates' stories on Instagram, the idea of seeing them for the first time in a while warming my heart.

My smile fades however when I see Hero on Inanna's story, his smile radiating the entire room he was in.

It was nice to know he seemed happy, not a care or concern for anything else in the world.

Perhaps he's moved on already, or this was his way of coping with everything.

Pretending as if nothing ever happened.

His go-to move.

When there's a knock on my door, I open it expecting to see Anna.

I'm surprised to see Maria, who had luggage in her hands.

I step aside, expecting her to want to stay in the same room, however she stays put.

"I wanted to wait until you got here to tell you that I'm going home."

"Oh." I softly say, my brows knitting together. "Why?"

"I think this tour has really tested our limits of each other. It's probably best that I let you be for the last few days."

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out.

"I also wanted to apologize," She continues. "You're like a daughter to me, Jo. I care for you very much, and I only ever want what's best for you. I'll admit, I can be a bit overbearing and I can overreact, but I do it for you. To push you in the right direction. And I think I've done a pretty good job."

I smile when she gestures to me.

"You've grown up so much since I first met you, and I'm so proud of you. I wanted you to know that from now on, whatever decisions you make... even when it comes to Hero, I'll support you."

I hang my head, my bottom lip quivering. "I don't think that'll be necessary."

"Forget what I said, Jo. If that's what's holding you back, don't let it." Maria tells me.

"It isn't... it's... it's complicated." I say with a sigh, tears forming in my eyes.

"Well, if there's one thing I know, it's that when you want something, nothing will stop you from getting it. I think you should keep that in mind."

"I will." I nod before pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you."

"Of course." She says before heading down the hallway.

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