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"Fly separately? What do you mean fly separately?" Anna asks, dumbfounded.

The flight attendant starts to become frazzled due to Anna's apparent frustration and searches through her computer once more. "I was told to inform you that due to the massive crowds that have already started showing up to the airport in anticipation of your arrival, we've been asked to have you guys fly separately. For safety purposes."

I could tell Anna was not happy at all, given that none of us were informed about this until now. We were also already extremely exhausted, and the idea of getting on a plane to sleep for nine hours sounded pretty good to all of us at the moment.

"Does it matter who goes when?" Anna finally asks.

"No, they just want you guys to split up. However, I must inform you, the flights are leaving some time apart for each other. I can't guarantee that you'll land around similar times, let alone days."

"This is bullshit." Anna huffs. "We have a schedule that we need to follow! We don't have time to be flying in on separate days!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. They're insisting. We will try and get you there as soon as possible."

"Josephine and I will fly separately." Maria chimes in.

I whip my head around, my eyes narrowing. "Bullshit."

"Excuse me?" Maria asks defensively.

"You heard me. I said that's bullshit." I retort.

"Hero," Jo softly pleas with me.

I clear my throat, realizing that it probably wasn't the time or place to cause a scene. "I just don't think it's such a good idea for you two to be by yourself in another country. You two should go with Anna and I'll take the later flight."

"Are you saying I'm not perfectly capable of taking care of Josephine and myself?" Maria challenges.

I blink rapidly as I stare at her for a moment. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."

"Guys!" Jo says, the look of defeat prominent on her face. "It's fine. Just go. Tara and Quinn will be with us. We're good."

"Are you sure?" Anna asks Jo.

"Yeah, as long as we get there before our call time tomorrow. I'll be fine."

I hated that Maria had as much control over Josephine as she did. She treated her like a child, making her share a room with her and everything.

Jo was more than capable of taking care of herself. I wish Maria would stop being so uptight and realize that.

"Alright." Anna sighs, seeing that there was no way either of them was going to change their minds. "Be safe."

I watch as she pulls Jo in for a hug before telling her to keep her updated. I shift awkwardly on my feet, not sure if I should hug Jo myself or not.

Thankfully, she reaches for me first, and I take her into my arms.

Holding her like this made my chest ache, the way her small body fit into my own as if it was made for me.

"I'll see you soon." I tell her.

"Hurry up." She says as she pulls away, creating a sense of emptiness washing over me. "You don't want to miss your flight."

I give her a small smile in return before following Anna, Trace, Jamie, and Michael towards TSA. I can't help but glance back once more, hating that we were separating like this.

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