Spain - Day One

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I could barely sit still as Tânia, the woman who had replaced Quinn to do my makeup for the rest of the tour, had to restart my smokey eye for the third time.

"What's gotten into you?" Tara asks with a laugh as she lays out my outfit for the day.

A blush creeps onto my cheeks. "Just really excited to be back on tour, that's all."

Tara looks at me, a smile creeping onto her lips.

"What?" I say with a laugh.

"Nothing, you just... I don't know. You have this glow to you."

"I got a bit of sun when I was in LA." I shrug before standing from the chair Tânia was having me sit in.

Tara dresses me in a navy-blue polka dotted blouse with matching bell bottom pants. After stepping into a simple pair of black pumps, Tânia does my hair. She parts it to the side and curls the ends, touching up little details of my makeup here and there as she goes.

Once I'm ready, I follow Maria out of the room and down to the lobby where Anna, Hero, Jamie, and Trace were waiting for us.

Hero's smile widens when he sees me, making my heart flutter.

He looked handsome as always with a simple pair of black jeans, a black graphic t-shirt, a tan denim jacket, and white trainers. His hair was combed back, lacking any gel therefore making it look natural.

I wasn't entirely sure if I should give him a hug or not, given our little reunion last night. With our agreement to take things one day at a time, we probably shouldn't be leaping into each other's arms every time we see each other.

Especially with the others around.

So I simply decide to stand next to him, which he seems quite alright with.

"Ready for our day in Spain?" Anna asks us, full of excitement.

Hero and I nod in agreement before following her outside where a van was waiting for us.

Anna also looked lovely, with an orange satin dress, prints of chains and whips scattering the fabric.

It was a bit out there, but it was perfect for her.

Our first interview of the day was with a Portuguese journalist. We were brought to her magazine's headquarters which was in the middle of the city.

She introduced herself when we got to her studio, but she spoke so fast I missed her name.

I had to get better at that for sure.

The room we were being interviewed in had a very rustic look to it, with posters of popular films scattered on the walls.

I laugh when I see an Avengers poster, nudging Hero as we walk in.

"We should watch it later." He says as we sit down in the chairs that were set up for us, and I happily agree.

The better half of the interview is spent with the three of us looking back and forth between the interviewer and her translator, Anna and I exchanging funny looks at each other and Hero trying not to laugh while sitting in the middle.

I felt extremely giddy today, the vibe in the room overall pleasant as I was more than relieved to be back with Hero.

Part of me wished that the tour had been off to as great of a start as it was now, but just like my mum used to tell me, if you wanted the rainbow you had to deal with the rain.

Regardless of the fact that Hero and I went through a fucking hurricane to get here, we made it nonetheless. And I couldn't help but feel excited for what was to come.

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