Italy - Day One

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By the time we had landed in Italy, Hero and I didn't have as much time to get ready for our interview with Verissimo. It was just the two of us today, and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

After last night, I found myself worrying that we'd never be able to keep up the professional act again. Somehow a simple look at one another could be a dead giveaway to our secret romance.

But Hero and I have been able to get through multiple interviews and public encounters on many different occasions, I don't see why this occasion had to be any different.

Even though we were alone this time.

Anna was a great buffer to have around, breaking any possible tension that could arise. But she had her own day of press to do, so it was up to Hero and I to do our jobs and promote this film.

Tânia and Tara waste no time prepping me, my makeup natural, hair curled, and outfit styled to perfection.

I glance over at Maria to see if she was ready, her foot tapping impatiently as she looks everywhere around the room but at me.

Thankfully she hadn't caught me sneaking into the room earlier this morning, but she was still pretty upset over our little dispute.

As far as I was concerned, I was going to do what I pleased whether she liked it or not. Hero and I knew the risks we were taking, but we were willing to take them for each other.

"I'm ready." I tell her.

She simply picks up her bag and brushes past me, and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

Jamie, Michael, and Hero are waiting in the hallway for us when we exit the room. Hero looks at me, a smile spreading onto his lips. "Ready for our big day?"

"Let's do this." I nod.

When we get to the Verissimo studio, we're greeted by a stagehand who leads us through the back entrance. We follow the man through a set of double doors where a select section of the live audience was waiting. We're given the opportunity to meet with them and sign some stuff if they had anything before being escorted backstage.

There were some finger foods and beverages backstage, as well as a few camera crew members.

Michael takes the opportunity to pull Hero aside and take pictures of him and his outfit, a routine they had started at the beginning of the tour.

Maria approaches me, positioning herself so my view of Hero was blocked. "Don't make a fool of yourself on television. Remember to stay professional."

I wasn't sure if that was meant to be degrading or not, and I simply give her a nod in return.

"Hero and Josephine?" I hear a woman with a thick accent say.

I turn and see a tall, beautiful woman approaching us, her amber hair straight and the bright pink of her dress accenting her golden skin. "I'm Silvia." She tells me. "I hope you are excited for our interview."

"Yes, thank you." I smile at her, feeling Hero's presence next to me.

"I will go out first and announce you, then when you hear the music playing just come out." She says with a laugh before making her way onto the stage.

The audience erupts into cheers as Silvia gives a run through of the show for this morning.

One of the crew members motions for me to come to the other side of the stage. I shrug and move over to where he asks me to stand, glancing over at Hero across the way.

I laugh when he gives me a wave, and I happily return the gesture. Another crew member approaches me and hands me an earpiece. I fumble with it for a moment before thankfully getting it in.

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