Why am I even here?

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I wake up in the morning with the most tiring headache. It is really bad.

I sat down on the bed as someone goes in. It was taehyung.

" yoongi hyung asked me to let you roam around the mansion ok so i will let you free" he said as i nodded.

He unlocked the handcuffs on my feet as i stood up. He guided me into the ground floor.

" this is the elevator ok use it to roam around" he said and walked away.

I need research to find why this dude wants me. So i went on the elevator and pressed on the 2nd floor to search for the library.

I walked down the hall as i saw a room with a dark red door. I was curious because it was the only door that had the color.

As i know curiosity kills the cat....but i dont care. I opened it to see. A lot of pictures of a girl on the wall scrolls books and blood and wine glasses. It was a private study room.

I look at the pictures ....it was myself in the first centuries i tjink or it could just probably be a look a like. I picked up a scroll with blood as i opened it i sat down on the couch.

The scroll

Dear my Min Yoongi,

This is me Hannah , your love.
I was going to go outside korea so i could feel free or just travel.
I love you.

- lee hannah  January 1 1110

The freak i didnt write this ....it must be a person before. I put the scroll down as i heard footsteps getting closer .... and the door opened it reavealed. Yoongi. He is furious he found me in his office.

" why are you here!?!?" He said angrily

" ummm sorry i was just lost and i found this room" i said nervously because.

Mad Min Yoongi = Death

" fine i will let this pass go to your room now i will be waiting." He said calmly opening the door i stopped him

" why do you have so many pictures of me?" I said.....

To be continued

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