Do you really need me.

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I woke up feeling lonely and I wonder. Does yoongi even need me. I was brought here because of our soulmate problem but now there is so many things happening I cant even keep up with the news that I am a Princess I am a Vampire I am the third Stone.

I walked out of my bed and and drank the potion the lady gave me . I walked out of the castle and thought . Maybe I can visit yoongi.

I got ready and put on my red contact lenses and headed outside for my ride which is a carriage.

I told the driver to go to yoongi's kingdom and he nodded.

I saw a beautiful looking castle and There was Yoongi playing with his dog more than hanging out with me.

" Yoongi Let me in" I said with a smile plastered around my face.

" Ah hannah Why are you here" yoongi said with a smile and I said.

" nothing I feel lonely but  I want to ask you something" I said biting my lip afterwards.

" Yes go on My princess" Yoongi said as he drapes his arms around my shoulders and I blush

" Do you really need me ? and do you really Like me" I said while looking at my feet.

Yoongi walked infront of me and put his fingers on my chin to look at him.

" I need you" He said as he Gave me a tight hug then whispered

" I dont like you..." he said and my eyes got wide and he continued.

" I love you" yoongi kisses me and I kiss back. Finally his feelings are clear now.

Author's note

Hello everyone the end is almost around the corner. Thank tou for reading my books. Please check out my other books. Anyways I will try to update as much as I can. Thank you my little Marshmellos
Hehe a quite unique reader name.

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