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It was a quiet night with a slight breeze in the air. You and Sarah were walking down the street to a diner near the house. The two of you were meeting with a close friend of yours, whose name was Lily. When you and Sarah were first moving in, Lily, who already lived in the area, volunteered to help. You and Lily had been friends for what seemed like an eternity, nothing more, and Sarah seemed to get along with her. 

Sarah held your hand as you walked closer to the restaurant. She ended up wearing your coat, which looked adorable on her. You opened up the restaurant door and let Sarah walk in front of you. Not wanting to lose your company, she waited for you to catch up. You quickly found her hand as you scanned the tables for Lily. In the corner of the restaurant, you noticed a wave from a familiar face. You tightened your grip on Sarah and made your way to Lily. It had been a long time since the two of you had seen each other, which caused you to speed up your step. When you met with Lily, you threw your arms around her and hugged her tightly. A big smile quickly formed across your face. Sarah was eyeing Lily with suspicion. You could feel the glare, even though you were facing the other way, and quickly released Lily from your embrace.

"Right," you said, remembering that Sarah was behind you. "The two of you have met before, right? During the move?"

"Yes, that's correct," Sarah replied with an icy tone. You did something wrong.

"It's nice to see you again," Lily said with a smile. She held out her hand in attempt to shake Sarah's hand, but Sarah stood completely still. "Ha, okay."

Trying to break the awkward tension, you asked, "Shall we sit down?"

Lily nodded her head in agreement and you slid into the booth. Sarah sat next to you as Lily positioned herself across from you. A waiter came by and took drink orders.

"So, how long have you guys known each other? You guys seem to be very comfortable around each other." Sarah acknowledged. You glanced at her but decided not to say anything.

"Oh, wow. I'm not sure, we went to school together as children and we immediately clicked," Lily replied.

"I see."

"Yeah, we both had similar interests and shared the same love for Stevie Nicks," you added on.

Lily laughed, but Sarah wasn't entertained. There was another long silence.

"Y/N tells me a lot about you -- "

"Oh, does she?" Sarah interrupted Lily. "What do you say about me, Y/N. Go on, I want to hear this."

Lily quickly regretted the decision of speaking up. You looked down at the table, trying your best to avoid eye contact with Sarah. Fortunately, the waiter came by with drinks and some bread. You noticed that Lily's hand shook as she spread butter onto the loaf.

This was supposed to be fun, you thought to yourself.

Time passed slowly as tension grew between you and Sarah. Slowly but surely, a conversation developed between the three of you. While you were talking, Sarah pulled your body closer to her. It was a sign of ownership. You didn't retaliate against the action.  She wrapped her arms around you, which caused you to glance at her. She smiled back and turned her head back to Lily. The restaurant was closing soon and you weren't quite ready to say goodbye to your friend.

"How about we walk to the bar a few blocks from here? I could use a drink after this long week." You suggested, wanting to expand your time with Lily.

"Sounds like a plan," both Sarah and Lily replied.

Sarah grabbed your hand as Lily trailed behind.

"Everything okay?" you whispered in Sarah's ear as the breeze blew across your face.

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