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It was late in the afternoon. Your body was buried underneath many layers of blankets. You had fallen victim of a minor virus, nothing too serious. It was flu season - everyone seemed to be sick. A huge sweatshirt covered your entire body, which was completely naked. You adjusted within the bed sheets and continued to lie in bed. In your opinion, being sick was the worst feeling. You weren't capable of doing anything. It felt like you were useless. Time passed as you scrolled through Instagram on your phone. You were desperate to be productive, but your body would not give in. The room that surrounded you was isolating, especially when nobody else was in the house. It was going to be awhile until your girlfriend came home from her demanding job. You decided to drift asleep in the cozy bed.

You awoke as you heard someone come through the entrance of your house.

"Hello? Are you home?" your girlfriend, Sarah, asked from the kitchen.

"I'm in the bedroom," you responded in a mumbled tone.

She walked into the bedroom with a graceful step. Her blonde hair was down and she smelled of roses. The woman wore something casual - a sweatshirt that were accompanied by tight jeans. As you stared at her, a worried look grew across her face. You had forgotten the state you were in.

"How come you didn't call me? Have you eaten anything? Should we go to the doctor? " Sarah was drowning you with concerned questions. It was part of her personality.

"I didn't want to worry you. I know how busy you are during the day. I'm fine, really."

"Well, you don't look fine. You are my top priority. Always remember that." She replied in a stern, but gentle voice.

Sarah left the bedroom and entered the kitchen. Cooking was not one of her talents, which made you worry. She was preparing something for you, but the energy to stop her was lacking. It was nice having Sarah fill the empty space. The house felt more alive when she was there. Her energy filled every room with warmth. Just as you closed your eyes, Sarah walked into the room with a hot bowl of soup. Even though the soup came from a can, you still gave a slight nod to show your gratitude.

"You know I can't cook. It's your favorite, though." Sarah smiled.

"No, no. I'm glad you used the can. Your cooking would probably make me sicker..." you chuckled.

Sarah was slightly offended but knew it was true. She placed the bowl on a nightstand and helped you sit up. She grabbed the spoon from the bowl and guided it into your mouth. You finally felt at ease.

"Do you think you can survive without me tomorrow? You're not looking the best."

"I'm aware. You shouldn't have to take off work for me. I know how busy you are. The virus isn't major, I'll be fine."

"I know, I know. It's just - I would feel better knowing that you are okay. I think I'll stay home tomorrow."

Taking off from work was a big deal for Sarah. She was constantly on a busy schedule and barely had time for herself. The offer alone showed how much she truly cared for you. Knowing that she was determined, you decided not to argue against her. She grabbed another spoonful of soup and fed it to you. Even though you were sick, you savored this moment. Everything seemed to be under control. There was peace in the air.

"Are you sure you can take off work tomorrow? Will they let you?"

"Everyone knows how much you mean to me. If they don't, they will sooner or later." The response almost came off as a threat.

Once you had finished the bowl with Sarah's help, she placed the bowl into the kitchen sink. The few moments with her away felt like an entire lifetime. It was late in the night. She decided to change clothes right in front of you. You stared at her flawless, naked body as she faced the opposite direction. She sensed your glare and purposely slowed the process down. She slipped on a silk nightgown and climbed into bed next to you. As Sarah tucked you in, she made sure that the sheets fully covered you. The two of you snuggled closer in bed. Just as you were drifting off, she started to position herself on top of you. You were hesitant and startled, but eventually cooperated. She pinned you down as she kissed along your jawline.

"What are you doing? I don't want you to catch what I have."

"Would that be so bad? I can spend more time with you." Sarah responded, with a defensive voice.

"It's not worth it. If you're sick, who's going to take care of me?" You asked, expecting her to stop.

"You know that's not going to stop me from taking care of you. Nothing ever will. I hope you know that."

After her response, your body sunk into her embrace. As you looked up at her face, her arms wrapped around your waist. You no longer felt sick or weak. Together, the two of you were radiant. Sarah was with you - that was all that mattered.

i decided to release this on my b-day so yay me! and um this was kinda shitty for my first part,,, but i have better stuff that i'm working on !!! idk when imma release the other parts so stay tuned...(also im sorry bc i suck @ writing dialogue)...thx for reading and feel free to leave comments !!

x casual gay

Life with Sarah PaulsonWhere stories live. Discover now