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Immediately I boarded the plane going to Miami, which was where home was, I couldn’t get the smile on my face to go away because I knew very soon I would be with my love. 2 hours into the flight I fell asleep and had a wonderful dream. It was of the day I met Brad.

I had run out of the house because my parents were having a heated argument and had probably forgotten that I was there. I did not want to get in the middle of their fight, so I went to the backyard which was at that time my favorite place in the world. I started adding to my list of “what I want my future husband to be like”. I hated it when people yell, so I said I would want someone who did not yell at me, appreciates everything I do and would never raise a finger at me. It was then I noticed something behind the almond tree. I was scared at first, but that passed away in 4seconds, then I became curious as to what it was. Taking a few steps closer, I was about to scream when I saw big deep green eyes staring at me, but then I heard the sweetest voice ever plead with me not to.

‘Who are you? I asked’

‘My name is Brad, and I was just looking for someone to play with’

Moving out from behind the tree, I saw it was a boy there, in fact he looked quite familiar. Then the thought came to me, ‘he looks like the boy from my dreams, but it could not be, this one is a bit taller’.

‘Brad don’t worry, you can play with me’

The smile he threw my way after that was so contagious, I started grinning like an idiot.

‘Brad, do you know how to play tag?’

‘Yes, of course I do’

‘Well then….. tag, you’re it’

It was then I started to feel the floor beneath me shake and the next thing I knew I was looking at this blond woman who was holding my shoulders shaking them as if I owed her money.

‘What is it?’ I snapped at her, slightly annoyed that she interrupted that beautiful dream

‘Sorry Mrs. Straws, it’s just that we landed 10mins ago’ said the blond lady

‘Oh, thank you so much’ I said no longer angry at her.

I got out of the plane and into the airport did all the ‘Cow jumped over the moon’ ceremony and then got a taxi and finally I was home. 

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