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It has been exactly one week since Brad told me the horrible news of my mother’s death. I still cannot believe it, I know I so badly wanted her out of my life, but I did not mean for her to die. God, I said so many horrible things to her. What am I saying? I think I am dehydrated because I am starting to mix up my reality with my nightmares. But deep down inside I just have this weird feeling that she is still alive, sometimes it’s like I hear her say things to me, and it feels so real. Her sweet voice always saying things like;

“Baby you are going to be just fine, I love you so much and I won’t let this take you away from me”

It is so painful hearing those words in my mother’s voice, even more painful because I have no idea what she means. I guess it is still all in my head.

This past few weeks have been so hard, I have been trying to occupy myself by reading this really nice book I got myself last Christmas, but I have been reading the first paragraph for the past one hour. My mind can’t but wonder towards the problems I am facing. My mom is dead and now Brad has been acting so strange, like he has been really distant, although he might just be giving me time to grieve, but he is certainly doing a bad job because the distance between us is making me feel even worse.


“Doctor, are you sure this would work? She looks like she is in a lot of pain”

“AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGG OOOHHHH MY GOOOOODDDDDD, WHAT IS THIS PAIN? STOP STOP PLEASE STOP, MAKE IT GO AWAY PLS STOP PLEASEEEEEE” I have no idea what is going on right now, but whatever it is, it hurts like hell, and needs to go AWAY.

“Oh baby please you just have to come back to us I beg you, I am so sorry, oh oh this is for your own good” I can hear my mother’s voice very clearly, it is not like something is speaking in my head, but it is like she is I the same room with me. She is crying really had.  And so in my distress my mutter the first words I can

“Mother please make it stop, this is so painful, please make it go away”

“Okay I think we have got her back, turn off the machine nurse” an unfamiliar voice says

“We have? Oh thank you Lord. Anne, oh my baby, mummy is right here, I am right here my love, right here. Thank you so much doctor. But why is she not opening her eyes and she is no longer moving, oh doctor do you think she went back? Will she be okay?”

“You do not have to worry ma’am, her body received a lot of shock and is trying to rest right now. When she finally wakes up, there is a higher chance of her waking up to us, so please let the nurse take her back to her room and let everyone leave her alone to rest. And ma’am, I think you should go home and have a good rest too, by tomorrow; you would be able to see her and we will know for certain where to go from there”

“Thank you so much doctor, just give me a few minutes, and I would be leaving soon. Thanks once again.”


Hello cupcakes, hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? Will she wake to Brad or her Mother? Which part of her life is real? Or is it all a bad dream? *kisses*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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