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By the time I check the time it is already 5 in the evening, so I spend the rest of my day indoor trying to clean the house while I try to figure out what it is that Vicky was trying to tell me and why my mother will be in  a better position to tell me.

My week goes by and I don’t see any sign of my mother or Vicky coming, she has not even called and I don’t know if I should be relieved or worried. On the other hand what keeps coming back is that stupid dream but in different ways. It’s been a month now and it seems like I now live in dream world instead of my real world. It is so late now and it even hurts to think. I go to the sturdy to kiss Brad good night but he is not there, instead I see a letter written by him pinned to the lower part of is shelf

Honey I had to quickly run an errand might not be back tonight. Please don’t worry yourself and try to get some sleep… I know you need it.

PS: I love you more than words can tell. 

I really do not know what to make of this letter. First of all, I am pissed that I did not even know when he left the house and he did not even feel the need to tell me face to face when he left, and what’s the stupid errand is about, that takes me into another emotion. Fright takes over my anger and I begin to panic…. Has he left me, no, no I can’t think that,

What if he really has left you? My subconscious say to me

Shut up, I snap back he would never do that to me, plus he just told me he loves me and I know he does. In my thought induced state I drift to sleep. I wake up to that same room but this time around there were three people in there, a woman wearing white shirt and trouser, only they were not your regular shirt and trouser, a man and a woman who look an awful lot like my mother. The next words that come from her mouth confirms my suspicions

‘But doctor you promised me this treatment will work, I cannot and will not allow my daughter go through shock just because I want her to get better, I certainly will not allow it. I mean just look at how fragile she….’

She was cut off by the doctor, ‘She is awake……..this is actually one of the few times she has come to us in the past month’

‘So those this mean she is recovering?’ my mother say with a look of desperation in her eyes. Now that I really look at them, they look so sad and she looks like she has lost a few pounds

‘I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions right now, but we will run some tests and experiments to see where this leads’ the doctor says

Before my brain even gets all its screws and bolts in place my mouth is already acting as the master of my body, ‘I AM NOT A LAB RAT’ I say. The three of them stare at me and the lady who I assume is the nurse scribbles something down and then attempts to whisper to the doctor

‘This is the first sentence that she has uttered that does not have the name Brad in it’ she says

The doctor looks from me to my mother and asks who Brad is, before I answer my mother has already answered for me, ‘She thinks he is her husband’

‘I don’t think mother, I know he is. Besides I have been waiting for you  at my house for the past month, Vicky told me the both of you were coming to my house, I have not even heard from her since then, is she even alright, and if you would only take time to hang out with Brad you will see he is a good guy, he loves me and I him’, I was so pissed I literally shouted all those words at her and then the question I should have asked from the beginning suddenly hits me, ‘ oh and where the hell am I?’  I could tell my mom was on the verge of losing it but I couldn’t care less.

‘you know what’ I say to them, ‘ I don’t care where this is and how you guys got me here but I will suggest you take me home this instant, the last thing I want is to be away from Brad, he must be worried sick’. I think that was the last straw that broke the stupid camel’s back because my mom suddenly snaps and the words that come out of her mouth next were not things I expected

‘ Anne you are in a psychiatric hospital and you want to know why, I will tell you why, because Brad is not real, the life you think you are living is not real and all is in your head, ALL’.

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