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My house is nothing special….. In fact, after much argument Brad got tired and let me choose the house. It was a brown house with wine roof; it was a bungalow with three large rooms, one extremely big living room, then the kitchen and dining area. I could not pick anything special because Brad does not like attention, often I wonder why he hates going out so much (although a part of me is happy about this , it kind of gives me assurance that he can never cheat on me).

I search my bag for my keys, but 5mins later I was still outside searching for them (yeah, I am scatter brained like that), at last I found it. Holding the metal key in my hand, a cold wave shot to my head and it began to hammer. It was then I realized I had not used the drugs my mother had given me two months ago. She was so worried when she called and I was complaining of headaches and since she was coming to Miami for a friend’s wedding she decided that we go to a hospital. The next day the doctor checked me (and even did that MRI scan thingy) and then insisted that I see their psychologist who asked me a bunch of questions (really, I did not see how my marital life affected the headaches. in fact, I thing they made me see the psychologist because it will help them gain more money). My mom was looking at the psychologist weird and when I told her that I was running late for a meeting and we should leave, she said she had other things to discuss with the psychologist (I mean I could not be bothered, she was getting old after all). She came back that night with some pills and told me how to use them, I took them from her and put them in my handbag.  I mean I used it a couple of times but then I hated the feeling it gave me. Anytime I took it I forgot some things in my life…. Most of all I forgot about Brad and I did not like that at all. I mean how many people will want to forget about the very person that held their heart. So I told him about it and then he pleaded with me never to use them again, I could feel he was hurting so I threw the pills away, but like right now anytime I did not take it my head felt like it was trying to grow another. I don’t even know the name of the pill.

 By now I was already in the living room quietly putting all my things on the sofa, I looked at the sofa and smiled (trust me when I say that sofa has seen enough). I knew Brad will be in the third room, which we converted into a study, staring at his laptop like it had the answer to all the world’s problems, but you can’t blame him cuz that was his work station. Brad is a graphics designer, he has all his clients on Skype and they have their meetings there, all he had to do was wear a suit (sometimes even over his pajamas) and then he was set for his meetings. As I try my best to open the door and peep in, he was already standing looking at the door, which eventually meant he was looking at me.

‘And here I was thinking I was being quite’, I said with a pout.

‘Beancake you know I can feel your presence when you enter this house right?’ He said.

That made me smile; I can never surprise this man. Then I quickly remembered I was supposed to feign hurt and anger, but with the way those green eyes were staring at me I knew I would fail even before I tried. I finally gave in, grabbed him by the shirt and whispered in his ear

‘You were on my mind the whole trip home’

‘Really, now I will have to give you a treat for being such a good girl’

I could see the naughtiness and mischief in his eyes and yet I feigned ignorance

‘WOW... Tell me what my treat is. Are we going to the zoo tomorrow or are you getting me a box filled to the brim with Twix’

‘You, my wife know what I mean’. He then carried me bridal style towards our bedroom……… let’s just say the rest is history.

         The next morning I woke with my head feeling like an elephant just stepped on it, (no it was like King Kong and his dinosaur buddies were throwing a party up there). I really need to call my mum and ask her what it was she gave me the last time for the headaches but that would increase the surveillance she already has on me, I mean Vicky only calls me three times a week, by the time my mom hears I have not been using my drugs, she will practically be living with me, (oh Vicky is one of my closest friends, as in, she lives only an hour away). As I tried to get myself out of bed to get some aspirin, my phone rang, and speaking of the devil, it was Vicky. Her high pitched voice came through the phone only raising my headache to another level.

‘ANNNNNNNNNNNA’, she screamed into the phone, ‘long time no talk girl’

‘Vicky what do you mean, we spoke three days ago’

‘Whoa…. Someone is a little catty this morning, what is wrong with you?’

‘First of, I have a splitting headache. Secondly, it’s like 7am, what are you doing calling me by this time?’ I said sounding even more irritated.

‘Girl I don’t know what planet you live in but its 11am here’, she said amused, ‘besides your mom already told me she gave you something for your head so why is it still aching?’

There was a long pause on the line and Vicky gasped in realization

‘Oh my gosh Anna, you did not take them did you?’

In other to defend myself I started to ramble, (that happens a lot when I get caught doing something wrong).


‘Wait, what?’ Vicky cut me off before I could continue with my ramble, ‘Brad asked you to stop taking the drug the DOCTOR PRESCRIBED FOR YOUR HEADACHE?’

At this point I knew she was beyond furious and I did not know why, all I know is that she never liked Brad, in fact my mother does not like him either, maybe because they have never met him before, (I know I know, my mother has never met him, but that is because we eloped together. Mother was furious; you should have seen her face the day she finally got hold of me).

‘Anna, I can’t take this anymore’, she said in a tone so low I almost missed it. ‘I am calling your mother, we are coming over tomorrow and then hopefully things will be sorted out’.

I knew she had more to say but for some reason she was not saying it. Before I could even ask her why she called in the first place, she sighed and hung up on me. That has never happened before, I am always the first to hang up on her. I will just have to wait till tomorrow to find out what was bothering her.

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