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I fall right back on my bed and have the worst dream ever. I was in this room where everything is all white, white walls, a small white bed and there was a tray by the bed. The door to the room is open, so I decide to survey this foreign place, but the way my legs moved as if I had been here before.

I enter a hall with white tables and chairs and lots of ladies dressed in white, I would have thought this was a white ball or something like that but their appearances did not match that kind of event. Some of them where sitting on the fall while some where playing with their food. Then I spot Vicky, her hair was like a rats nest and she had a bruise on her chin, dark circle round her eyes and was dressed in a white overall, in one word she looked like a zombie, I tried calling her name but she just kept staring at the wall in front of her like it could help feed the nation.  To be honest, most of the people here look like her, some even worse. I don’t feel comfortable in this place it has a weird feeling to it.

As I turn to my right my eye catch something or is it someone, I walk closer towards the window and I see the person again, only that the person is me, OMG……… I look even worse with big bags and dark circles under my eyes, I was looking so skinny (a Victoria Secretes model would have been jealous), my lips are so chapped, I could barely believe this was me. I start to hyperventilate and my mind starts to race, I want Brad, all I want is to be in his arms with him telling me how beautiful I am. Just as the dream had come it was gone. I wake up to find myself on my bed with Brad kneeling by my side, I look at him and he seems relieved

‘You were having a nightmare’, he says.

‘No Brad it was more than that, it seemed real’, then I start to cry.

‘You are incredibly beautiful, you know that right?’ he says to me to me after a short while

‘How did you know that I wanted….’ I was cut off with a kiss before I could even finish my sentence.

With that one kiss, all about the dream was forgotten. I was safe, away from all horrible looking people, away from all the white (really it should be illegal to have so much white in one room, I mean where is the fashion sense in that, throw in a bit of color), and most of all from that ugly looking me, gosh I looked so helpless.

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