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The smell hit me the second I walked through the gate. The pungent smell of urine-soaked garbage, mixed with the familiar, metallic taste of blood and copper. The stench crept into my nose as I took in my surroundings. Rubbish piled high above the rubble that could be spotted almost everywhere across the Commonwealth. Damp overflowed the sewers, drifters littering every corner as they kept up their no good habits.

"Hey, hold up there!" My arrival caught the attention of a skinhead male lighting a cigarette in the distance. He toked harshly on it, eyeing me suspiciously as a spiral of smoke formed transparent rings upon leaving his nostrils, before stalking towards me. "First time in Goodneighbor? Can't go walking around without insurance."
"I-Insurance?" I gulped, where will 11 caps get me with that? "What kind?"
"That's right, insurance. Personal protection like. You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or 'accidents' start happening to ya. Big, bloody, 'accidents'."
My stomach knotted. I had nothing to give, and no way to protect myself should the need arise.
"I don't have anything in my pockets, e-except these 11 caps.." 
"That's all you have? Well, never mind, I'll take that for now and you can earn your keep for the rest." He sighed, stepping closer to take them.

"Woah, woah. time out."

A shadowed figure broke the dingy light flickering in a distant alleyway. Both our attention was cast over to the approaching man. As he stepped further into the light a gasp left my mouth. Despite the fact his distinctive costume, being a red frock coat and a tricorn hat, made him stand out in a crowd, his face was far from human. The skin was weathered and worn, the bumpy flesh so heavily radiated it was difficult to notice the predominant features of his face. I absentmindedly stepped back, fearful of what the creature would do. The man stood before me released a disdainful moan upon recognition.
"What do you want? I got this covered."
"Someone steps through the gate the first time, they're a guest. You lay off that extorsion crap."
"What do you care? She ain't one of us. If she can't pay in caps I can think of another few things she can do for me." His gaze lingered on my body, his eyes traipsing up and down every curve, a slimy tongue moistening his lips. The thing in the ridiculous costume crept closer, a fire in his sunken eyes.
"No love for your mayor, Finn? I said, let 'er go."
"You're soft, Hancock. You keep letting outsiders walk all over us, one day there'll be a new mayor."
The fire in Hancock's eyes grew with the added gas.
"Come on man, this is me we're talking about." He carried himself proudly towards Finn, "let me tell you something." He stuck a hand out to his side, Finn's eyes following to meet it, his other hand slyly retracting something from his back pocket.

A sliver of light flashed and I screamed. Red squirted, tainting the silver shine. A grunt echoed loudly in the silent streets of Goodneighbor. My heart race was pulsing profusely and both of my shaking hands raised to my mouth, acting as a barrier to prevent the breaths from escaping. 

"Now why'd you have to go and say that, huh? Breaking my heart over here." My head was spinning, my mind dizzy. I couldn't tear my eyes from the lifeless man. Finn's body had become yet another decoration on the dirty ground.
"You alright, sister?"
"Y-you killed him?" My mumbled voice came out a question, though it didn't need answering.
"Got a good pair of eyes on ya. I think you'll fit in here." He remarked, stepping closer to fill the obvious gap between us. My gaze lifted to his, my mouth running before I could comprehend it.
"What's wrong with your face?"

The mayor of this city widened his eyes at my question, as if people knew better than to commonly ask.
"I'm a ghoul, non-feral, if you couldn't tell." 

Says the man who just committed cold-blooded murder.

"Like it? I think it gives me a sexy, king of the zombies kinda look. Big hit with the ladies." He winked, but the aghast expression on my face retracted a laugh from him. "Listen, lot of walking rad freaks like me around here, so you might want to keep those kind of questions on the low burner next time. Now, don't let this incident taint your view of our little community. Goodneighbor's of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome. Just consider this town your home away from home. So long as you remember who's in charge."
"O-OK." I gulped and he frowned down at me. The shadow from his hat shielded his eyes, but upon close inspection they held curiosity.
"I know you may have just walked into something looking a little like anarchy, but you don't have to be frightened. If it's my face, you'll get used to it." He released a heavy sigh before continuing. "It's late, and by the look of ya I'm guessing you haven't had anything to eat or drink for a while, am I wrong?"
I shook my head. glancing down at my worn shoes, which were now falling to pieces at the front. The mayor seemed to notice that too, though he chose not to comment.
"How about you come with me, I'll get you fed and you can wash up. Then we can have a chat about what's brought you into my city with nothing but the pitiful amount of caps in ya pocket."


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