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i wrote this last year and i admit
that this fanfic is trashy asf IM SORRY
its up to u if u wanna read it but deadass
this is makes no sense, and i was illiterate so ye

A U T H O R ' S N O T E :

hello everyone! this is a story that is very emotional, yes there's gonna be an extremely sad parts, anyways this story is my original idea there may be some stories that have the same plot as mine, but as far as i know i haven't seen or read any stories like mine so you know what it means, C O P Y C A T S W I L L B E R E P O R T E D!

W A R N I N G & D I S C L A I M E R S

-all of the chapters are lowercase and the important details or news will be in bold font.

-a lot of cussing are involved so if you're not open minded i suggest you read other story.

-as i said copycats will be reported

-full of cringe and sad stuffs

-characters' attitude aren't base on real life

-i won't put any characters or cast in this note because i honestly have no idea what comes next.

-if there's misspell or any mistakes please ignore

-updates every week

-mix of social media and normal story

that's all!

you lied - jenzie

you lied - jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now