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i didn't went to school yesterday, it was just too much but today im getting better so i went to school johnny was still absent but i don't really care at all actually i was happy he wasn't present today i don't wanna be mad today.

"kenzie" someone called me

"it's zane kenzie from the gym" i turned around and saw zane i didn't know we go on the same school

"wait you study at cali high too?" i said squinting my eyes, "yeah we've been schoolmates yet i didn't even notice you lowkey stupid" he chuckled

the day went by and i got over about the breakup, i don't know if he did but i don't really care so...

zane is actually a nice guy and he's kinda cute tho but i surely don't like him more than friends

we started talking more through social medias he's fun to talk to, he has a great sense of humor.

i actually went to his house again he has 1 little brother he's 13 (a/n: he will appear on the 2nd book and he might actually have a big part on it)

he's funny same as zane, his mom was there too she's extremely nice and she also baked some cookies for me which was very thoughtful.

off topic, nadia seems to be down i mean lowkey happy but i don't know why i mean she got johnny.

i slept on zane's house since i was bored, but something happened.

S I D E N O T E :
this chapter will make more sense in the 2nd book, a lot of things will happen like a lot so y'all better be excited teehee 🤠

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