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after 2 months of summer break, college year started.

zane and i are still together it's actually our 5 months in 2 weeks which is exciting, though at some point i think about johnny.

i got a scholarship from university of l.a. same as zane i also got a dorm, the university im going to isn't that far away but i decided to get a dorm to lessen the struggle.

zane got his dorm earlier than me so we weren't on the same room but it's okay, i already know who's zane roommate is it's jake, whilst i still don't know who's my roommate.

though im gonna meet him/her soon, also maddie is graduating in a couple of months.

i started packing the small stuffs so i won't be cramming when it's time to move, I'll be moving in 1 week, i don't know what to feel since i've been always in my home.

i'm definitely going to miss my home because it's just cozy and even though im always alone in my home it was never that sad so yeah.

days skipped by really quickly, i had packs all of my stuffs that i will be needing, i drove by myself since my mom was sick it was unreal like yesterday i was just a sophomore.

i sighed, zane wasn't available today he was with his parents so i moved in without anyone's help.

i then entered the room i will be staying in, it felt just like my home which was amazing, my roommate hasn't moved in yet so its just empty, i started putting my things.

after an hour i took a break in decorating my space, i was just listening to music, it really felt weird im not used to this, i know i said the vibe just felt like my home, but there's still part where it gets me afraid, scared, anxious.

i started walking around in circles not knowing what to do i started to sweat i don't know what's happening i kept walking around.

and then i just collapsed on the ground, i was shaking i was trying to calm myself but it won't work, i eventually was having a hard time breathing, this is a nightmare, i wanna wake up, can i?

i dialed zane's phone number but it was out of reach i tried my sister's but she won't answer same as my mom's phone she's probably sleeping that's why.

i crawled to my bed and tried to sleep but i can't i was just staring blankly on the ceiling for hours i didn't even noticed the time has passed.

i woke up around 7pm i was hearing someone walking, maybe its my roommate, he/she then opened the door.

wait what?!

S I D E N O T E :
a lil cliffhanger chapter hehehehe also the first pm tour + kenzie was awful the pm fans were being rude and staying disgusting words while she was performing those teens were immature af like if u don't like her it's okay just please respect her and don't be rude 😤

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