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~time skip~

It's graduation day, finally done with highschool though i know college will be much more harder than i thought i will be able to survive it.

we went to the venue and then some girl gave us a corsage to put it in our toga gown, i saw zane i immediately went to him we're okay and it's almost our 3rd monthsary.

about johnny we still don't talk to each other i don't know i didn't fully forgive him but i noticed he became anti social, he usually would walk around with a troop of 'friends' but now he didn't even talk to carson it was just johnny and hayden talking.

and as far as i know lauren and johnny aren't in good terms.

the event started everyone was getting jumpy and excited while im nervous because im one of the top achievers i supposedly should be the valedictorian but some things got fucked up my mom wasn't that happy but she's still glad im a salutatorian.

by the time the head of our school called my name everything went on slow motion it was unreal for me hearing everybody's clap.

everything went by really fast it felt like it just happened it hasn't really sync in for me, after it ended everyone was saying their farewell speeches everyone is crying and hugging.

"hey kenzie congrats" i turned around and saw johnny, he also handed a letter

"thank you, congrats also" i hugged him i knew he wasn't expecting any hugs but i think it's time to move on and forget about the stuffs that already had happened

i read the letter he gave me on the car since my parents decided to go to a restaurant after the graduation.

Dear, Kenzie

Congrats you made it on the top achievers, I already knew you'll make it and you deserve it, I hope what we had on the past will be forgotten I'm happy for you and Zane. I hope you two will last it's odd for me to say these things but I think I need to thank you for all the good things you did for me and of course for changing me in a good way, this may be the most cheesy and cringy letter I've ever made, anyways congrats again I wish you nothing but the best <3

-johnny :)

i never expected to receive a letter, i never ever in my life had experience what does it feel to receive a letter but then this happened and i'll treasure it forever.

S I D E N O T E :
book 1 is ending, i hope yall liked this book though its annoying sometimes or most of the times don't worry there will be book 2 & 3 :)

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