Chapter 3

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Once in a while, you'll find yourself inside the park. This was your 'happy place' as you put it, and this place is the only thing that can relieve your stressed mind. You were currently taking nursing at a medical school, and it was all going smoothly but your packed schedule and assignments are like a plague you just want to avoid right now.

(Your pov ((finally!))):

*sigh* when will all these just end? I just want all these books and papers to disappear, and help the people in need! I found myself lying down on my comfy bed, looking up at the ceiling of my room. I live with my parents for the meantime, but I'm the one sustaining my needs even though they said that they can afford it themselves. I don't want to be a burden anymore.

Then my mind drifted to that man, Lovino. He seemed...familiar...though I can't remember being with him or have any business with him. I found his attitude quite amusing, his stubborn personality is just too cute and his eyes...what a wonderful shade of olive green, though they looked like they ...longed for someone to come back. What caught my attention the most is his curl, how it defied the law of gravity and stayed afloat; I don't know. I only snapped out of it when I felt my cheeks heating up...Why am I blushing?! Is it because of...No, no! I can't fall for a stranger! God knows when we'll meet again!

I decided to empty my mind of worries by going to the park, I don't know why but my heart is urging me to go there today. I wore an (f/c) T-shirt and some (pants/skirt/shorts), grabbed my purse, left a note for mom and dad, then left the house. The weather was fair today, and of course, the streets are quite packed with people of different ages. I saw the park already near and rushed in, savoring the crisp air in the nature-filled place then sighed in content. I took a seat on one of the benches and decided to read a book while the birds chirped melodically; happy place indeed.

I was halfway through my book until someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see who it was, and I was met with the same olive green irises I grew fond with yesterday that was peeking through his hood. "May I sit here?" He asked, and too shocked to his coincidental appearance, I just nod. He took a seat at the available space on the bench and pulled down his hood, revealing his chocolate brown hair which swayed with the wind along with his gravity-defying curl.

A comfortable silence brought us peace as he stared at the green lush in front of him before I felt his eyes shift to my direction and his voice decided to break it; "So...What are you-a doing here? Not that I care." I looked up from my unfinished book and looked back at him, closing my book with my thumb pressed between the pages, "I just wanted to relieve some tension, is all." I, surprisingly, can see through him and can tell that he wanted to ask why but his attitude is trying to hold him back. I chuckled faintly at this, and he raised a brow, "Studying all about medicine is hard, y'know? So I need to relieve some stress here." His face showed that he was confused, "You're...studying medicine?" "Mhm. Nursing, quite specifically." He lets out a small 'oh' before looking back at the various forms of plants in front of him.

"Why that?" He spoke after a short while. Like him, I also looked ahead and sighed, "I wanted to help people who're sick or in need of medical assistance. I don't know...something is just urging me to study medicine. Like...I've done it before..." My lips curved into a small smile and looked up at him, "How about you? Are you in college or something?" He was quiet for a few, and I thought I triggered something personal on him before he reassured me with a: "I'm not in college anymore. I'm a...soldier in training for the military."

"You're a soldier?! Cool!" I beamed, looking straight at his green eyes which made him flinch and redden up, "You're invading my personal space, Idiota!" "S-Sorry!"


After that awkward moment, he decided to treat me out and proclaimed that; "I'm just doing this because I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning." He bought the two of us ice cream and told me that gelato was better.

"What's gelato, Lovi?" He sighed at the nickname, "Don't-a call me that. Anyways, gelato is a type of dessert popular in my country. I wouldn't try to be rude, but, that sh*t's the most delicious dessert I've tasted." Of course, he would favor his own products, he lived there and knew what's it's better or worst, after all. I smiled and looked ahead, "I wonder what your country looks like. Give me a mental tour, please!" He sighed and grumbled something under his breath, "Italy is-a divided into two parts, do you-a know that?" "Mhm! North and South!" I spoke with excitement, and I swear I saw him smile a bit but it was gone the second I saw it, "I live in the South, in Naples more specifically." I took a small nibble out of the cold treat, "Aren't their mafias around those parts of Italy?" He stared at me, dumbfounded, before he composed himself, "There are, but they're just a small threat. Anyways-" After his small discussion about his homeland, I was beyond amused and had set a goal to got there one day. We talked and talked, enjoying one's company before we noticed that the sun was already setting and navy blue was slowly coating the sky with the glittering stars and moon.

"Oh, it's already late. My parents should be home soon..." We both stood up and walked towards the gates, before he held my wrist, "Do you...maybe...want me to walk you home? Not that I care about burglars or rapists just attacking you out of nowhere or something!" His face was covered with pink as he tried making excuses, and I laughed at this, nodding my head to his kind request although I know that I can walk back home alone. We talked along the way, laughing at a few stories and mishaps he shared as he did with my own, and not for long, we finally reached my house.

"So...this is goodbye, I guess?" I smiled and turned to face the door, but before I could turn the doorknob he cleared his throat, earning my attention as I glanced over my shoulder.

"I-I'll be meeting you at that park again, o-okay?" I stared at his face for a second, his cheeks tainted with pink as he waited for my answer, and I nodded with a smile.

"Sure! I'll be meeting you tomorrow then!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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