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Katyas POV (bear with me. I know the timeline doesn't make too much sense yet.)

I walked into the school office with my mom holding my hand. It was my first day at a yet another new school. I was getting tired of moving schools. Maybe if you weren't a disappointment you wouldn't have to. "Shut up" I hiss before I feel my my hand get squeezed lightly. "Sorry mom. I'm trying."

"It's okay honey. Will you be okay if I dash? I have work." She asks with sympathy in her eyes. "I'd stay if I could." She adds before I nod and sit where the lady at the reception told me to. Mom presses a quick kiss to my forehead before walking out with an 'I love you' thrown over her shoulder.

You should leave while you have the chance.

A stunning, tall girl with big blonde hair and tan skin walks out of the door I'm next to. A lady with brown and grey hair up in a bun also walks out before turning to me. "Katya?" She asks sweetly and I nod in response. "I'm Mrs. Del Rio."

"This is Beatrice. She'll be showing you around the school this morning. She's also in all of your classes. If there's ever a time when you need to step away from class let her know and she can help. I really need to get to a meeting but if Trixies not around and you need something feel free to knock on my door." She says extremely quickly before disappearing.

I sit awkwardly looking down as the other girl stands for a moment before sitting next to me. "Well, I'm Trixie. It's nice to meet you. If you're uncomfortable you don't have to talk to me or anything. Mrs. Del Rio has already told me about why you moved schools and I promise you that I'm not going to judge you whatsoever." She explains before standing up motion in for me to follow.

"Th-thank you Trixie." I whisper softly as I follow along. The hallways are painted a gross green colour and are lined with lockers.

"So this is the admin building, the only classes in here are IT all the way back where we were and then science and a few homeroom classes up here." She said as she walked out into the yard which was practically empty. "So, do you have any questions about that?" She asks and I shake my head.

Giving me a soft smile we keep walking towards a massive blue building. "This is where most of our classes will be." Ugh she's so pretty and? Don't get too attached I give a tight smile when she turns her head to check on me.

Trixies big blue eyes stare into mine. "We can stop if you want Kats." She says, stopping in front of the building and grabbing my hand. I gasp inwardly to myself.

They stopped speaking!!!

"It's okay. We can keep going. But... Do you mind h-holding my hand? It's calming me down." I say with a blush. Trixie grips my hand tightly before continuing our tour.

Soon I've seen pretty much everything and we end up in a small shed next to the art room. "So this shed is home to a massive grand total of ten lockers. It's all the "sad kids" as I like to put it. If there's a mental health problem they just shove you in here." Trixie explains with a small frown. "I mean I understand that they do it so we have our own space to hang out but it's kind of annoying being singled out."

I look around and am kind of amazed at how neat and furnished it is. There's two couches, a coffee table, mini fridge, bubble tap and most surprisingly an ash tray on the coffee table. "You're allowed to smoke here?" I ask perplexed.

She shakes her head. "No but they never come in here and some of the guys in here smoke... Do you?" She explains and I nod. "You can have one of you want. I don't mind at all. I'll put some music on because break is about to start and the others will be here soon."

I nod again and sit down on the couch before reaching into my bag and pulling out my smokes. "Want a dart?" I ask softly as music starts playing quitely.

"Yeah sure. I don't smoke often just so you know." She says as she flops down next to me taking one out of my packet before I throw it on the table in front of us. I light my smoke and hand the lighter over to her.

Trixie flicks the lighter over and over but it refuses to light. "Here. Inhale when they're touching." I say before leaning over and touching the ends of them together, our faces barely a rulers length apart.

She's really pretty. She's probably straight you idiot. Please don't ruin this for me. I'm not going to ruin anything. I'm going to destr-

I put my hand on hers as I pull away. "Is it okay?" I ask looking down.

"It's more than okay." She says stroking my hand with her thumb as a bell sounds. "The others will be here in a minute. What are these?" She asks gesturing to the smoke in her hand.

"Just JPS blues. I'm basic as fuck." I say with a quite wheeze. "I never used to smoke them. I used to smoke Ziganov Blacks before my dad stopped visiting." I say flicking my ash away. Trixies face showed that she was worried so I decide to change the subject. "So is my locker in here?"

"Oh shit yeah. Yours is below the pink one." She says with a small and fucking adorable giggle. "There's no lock yet but we're pretty chill in here anyway."

I'm about to respond when the door opens making me jump slightly. "Oh hey Trix. I thought you ditched or some shit for a change." A boy with shoulder length brown hair announced as he makes his way to a locker covered in band posters. "Who's this?"

"Hold your horses. Wait til everyone is here." She says rolling her eyes before taking another drag.

Soon there are six people apart from Trixie and I sitting on the couches and fluffy rug. "Okay well that's Danny but we call him Adore." Trixie says first pointing to the boy from earlier.

"Haai." He says smiling brightly.

Trixie goes to speak but is cut off by the next person, a short boy with bleached hair, dark skin and green eyes. "Hey I'm Xen. I'm sorry but I've gotta dash. I'll talk to you guys later." He says before scurrying away.

"Okay so Sasha," pale, tall bald girl "Bob," dark bald boy wearing a flanny "Aja," very gender non-conforming with olive skin and long brown braids "and last but not least we have Max!" Pale skinny boy with short brown hair.

Trixie then turns to me and smiles wide. "This is Katya. It's her first day. Be nice to her or I will cut you." She warns making me smiling.

"Okay fucking jesus" Bob say softly. "Can you skip your yee haw song please. We've listened to it every single day for the last week." He complains as a Johnny Cash song comes on.

"Hey this song isn't country. It's blues." I say quitely before Trixie breaks out in a massive smile.

"Finally. Someone gets it Bob!" She squeals out and wraps her arms around me loosely.

"Uh yeah." I say awkwardly.

I'm Not Sorry - Trixya Where stories live. Discover now