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Lucas was literally freaking out when Jaemin fainted. The boy had been his crush for the last eight long years. Obviously he would panic. Jisung was crying and Jasmin was well wailing. Donghyuck was a gynacologist so he couldnt help the doctor. When Jaemin woke up it was night and his twins were asleep.

"Jess you need to stay back." Phaelyn urged but Jaemin was adament.

"They have school." Jaemin whispered packing his bags.

"I'll drop you." Lucas offered but for no avail.

"Where is Hyung?" Jaemin carried his children.

"Here Brother." Donghyuck appeared with his five month baby bump. "Lets go?" The red head smiled taking Jasmin as they waved at the two people and left oblivious that their deen watched every move.

"Hyung you are in pain. Let me drive." Jaemin sighed at his brother who faintly nodded.

"Mark is working so hard and I'm being so usless." Donghyuck had the twins on his lap.

"Hyung he wants you to be healthy. He might give up rapping just for you. Its okay to want your husband beside you at times." The red haired smiled at the brother he loved.

"Jess please dont break down like that again. I thought I'd have a miscarriage. I got so scard." Donghyuck clicked his tongue as Jaemin pulled into Marks drive way.

"I wont. Hey wait! Is that Mark hyungs car?" Jaemin pointed at the black SUV.

"Omg!! Yes!!" Donghyuck carefully placed the twins on the seat and jumped out. Mark came out just in time as his wife crashed into him.

"I missed you!!!" Donghyuck let his emotions take over.

"I know pumpkin. That's why I'm here." Mark smashed their lips together.

Jaemin smiled, As he waved and drove off, why was he the only incomplete one out there. It shattered him to bits. Jeno was his everything, he thought his rich senior actually loved him. He was stupid to give his firsts to him. And now he had to return after ten years so he could mentally torture Jaemin? Walking to his apartment he abruptly stopped seeing Jeno leaning on his door.

"I've been standing for hours. Are you okay?" Jeno looked concerned. Oh how he missed this mans voice.

Jaemin didnt know why but he turned around and walked away with his children, though Jeno followed he quickened his space and drove to Lucas's house. Without knocking he gate crashed into the slightly ajar door. With heavy breathing and uneasy eyes he locked the door.

"Jess?" Lucas came from the kitchen barebodied.

"C-Can I s-stay here for the n-night?" Jaemin looked up with pleading eyes. The Chinese smiled and nodded never asking a question as to why he was here.

"Go straight then turn left." Lucas pointed to a hallway as Jaemin walked towards that direction.

Meanwhile Lucas put on a tshirt and smiled at the thought that his crush himself came here but the fear in his eyes made the Chinese look out the window. A black expensive car stood outside.

"I-I'm hungry." Jaemin figetted behind Lucas.

"Oh well come on then." Lucas smiled again as the went back to the kitchen to be seated.

"I'm sorry I gate crashed at this hour. Mark hyung is back and you know." Jaemin blushed as Lucas broke into hysterical laughter.

"Hyuck seemed in so much pain yesterday. That idiot stressing himself out. Beside people always having kids." Lucas handed Jaemin the coffee mug.

"Silly Hyuckie. Mark would be so mad if he knew. He has a partner and wouldnt take of himself." Jaemin smiled feeling a tit bit better than he was.

"True that. Hey you better go sleep now. Jisung can go to school but he shouldnt stress a lot. Okay?" Lucas ruffled Jaemins hair and washed the dishes.

"Thank you hyung." Jaemin grinned and skipped off thankful the Chinese did not question him.

The next day Lucas drove the twins to school. The kids loving it since Daddy was driving them to school.

"Bye Mommy!! Bye Daddy!!" Jisung and Jasmin waved happily as the ran off into pre school.

Jaemin just looked out the window until he reached the hospital and walked into the building. Lucas followed behind but he had some work and seperated ways.

"Jaemin wait!! Whats wrong with you!" Jeno grabbed Jaemins wrist suddenly.

"Let me go!!!" Jaemin started shaking. "Lucas!!" But Lucas had left.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you avoiding me?!" Jeno was shouting and Jaemin was about to break down.
"I fucking hate you! Thats why, You murderer let me go!!" The red haired pushed the older away with all his strength.

"You still love me!!" Jeno dashed him on a wall.

"I did!! But ten years is a long time. I dont love you anymore." Jaemin lied and with that he ran out crying.

Jaemin ran so fast he crashed into that familiar chest. Mark. He hugged the older and cried into it, letting all his hurt and pieces of broken heart. Mark hugged his little brother in law back as he knew that the Deen might be the one who broke Jaemin. Making Donghyuck take crying Jaemin.

"What did he do?" Mark asked so dangerously Jeno gulped.

"He's Jeno." Jaemin choked on his sobs and Mark threw the strongest punch on the Deen throwing him down onto the floor.

"If you fucking dare to come near Jaemin I'll fucking slit your throat." Mark punched him once again and dragged Donghyuck and Jaemin inside.

"Jess you alright?" Donghyuck whispered at Jaemin.

"C-Can you guys never let him know that the twins are his?" Jaemin hiccuped and the couple nodded with understanding smiles.

It was afternoon when Mark had left and Jaemin and Phaelyn were waiting for Donghyuck to finish a labour case until they finally eat, Jeno was shamelessly walking towards Jaemin and so was Lucas.

"Mommy!!!" Jisung came running towards Jaemin.

"Daddy!!!" Jasmin came stumbling towards Lucas who chuckled and lifted the little girl up.

Jeno stood their greive stricken at the situation. He wanted to cry and scream that Jaemin was his. He still loved him, he spent years looking for him. He was still madly in love with the red gorgeous beauty. But was Jaemin?

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