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Jaemin watched Jeno happily setting beds and making them a happy meal. Should he give Jeno another chance? He genuinely cared as Jaemin could he him carefully putting Jisung and Jasmin to sleep. But something felt off, the house seemed not so lonely, they house felt habitated. Dolls, toys and messy rooms that belonged to someone else. The Jeno he personally knew was a clean freak. It became a routin for the Deen to drop the kids at school and bring Jaemin to work. What killed Jaemin was that Lucas had begun to avoid the red haired at all costs. Truth be told, Jaemin loved them both. He loved Lucas with a passion and Jeno with age old emotions. It was a love triangle, He didnt want to stop the twins from calling Lucas Daddy neither did he have the courage to tell them Jeno was their actual father. Jisung would snap. And Jasmin would stop breathing.

"Tzuyu wont stop kicking." Donghyuck lent on Phaelyn that afternoon.

"Awwe when is she due on?" The aurburn haired beauty sipped her bubble tea.

"Who knows? It's Daddy's duty to keep track on when his princess would be born." Donghyuck giggled at his friend.

"Where is Lucas?" Jaemin asked softly.

"He hasn't come out his cabin in weeks." Phaelyn pouted.

Jaemin ran off trembling to the roof top. He was shaking. Why was love hurting him so much it was eating him bit by bit.


"What? You look lovely today."

"Guess what?"

"You cheated on me?"

"Idiot!! I hate you!"

"Hey sorry baby. I was messing with you."

"I......I....I'm pregnant."

"Huh? W-What? How?"

"Silly!! We did it last month."

"B-But I dont want it!!"

"Dont want what?"

"The baby!! We were having fun. The child is not needed. Abort it!!"

"Jeno!! T-Thatsthe token of our love."

"The hell is wrong with you Jaemin! I love you but that child is not fucking needed right now."

"When you were fucking me why didnt you think of it then!!"

"Urghhh get lost."

And so Jeno had left to study abroad, If not for Mark and his brother Jaemin would have certainly died on the street that night. When Donghyuck found out Jaemin was pregnant they were so happy by the end of the day they were met with a depressed Jaemin at the school sidewalk crying in bundles under the heavily beating rain.

"Jess? Donghyuck is having a panick attack. Come down he's worried sick." Lucas's voice made Jaemin look up. The man who taught him to love again. Why couldnt Jaemin stay loyal to Jeno? Well ten years was a really long period of time that anyone might change.

"Lucas I...." A hand lifted him up, thumbs wiped his damp cheeks.

"Just avoid talking to me Jaemin. And please tell your twins that Jeno is their father. I'm human too and I cant bare another heartbreak." Lucas whispered taking a step away as he walked away. Jaemin heart shattered again and again. It broke him to a milliom pieces.

"Lucas!" Jaemin whispered but the giant was long gone as Jeno came to stand before him.

"Jaemin omg! I thought I lost you again." Jenos warm arms wrapped around Jaemin.

"You smell weird?" Jaemin scrunched his nose at the different perfume that the boy smelt off.

"Come your brother is worried." Jeno dragged Jaemin downstairs to Donghyuck who was crying.

"Hyung hush now. I'm here." Jaemin kissed Donghyucks cheek fondly.

"Why is Mommy crying?" Jasmin pouted tugging at her mothers jeans.

"You wont be a good girl. Thata why." Jaemin cooed.

"I ate my lunch! And was a really good girl at school." Jasmin smiled proudly.

"Mommy my chest hurts." Jisung was carried by Lucas as he tiredly mumbled his words out.

"Hey Mommy's chicken licken is a strong boy." Jaemin looked up at Lucas who gave him a millimetre sized smile.

"Daddy says he is upset. The hole is only getting bigger he said." Jisung was carried by Jaemin with tears in his eyes.

"Dont we have any way of saving my son?" Jeno looked worried and his eyes were droopy.

"I'll let you know in a few weeks sir. His tests havent arrived yet." Lucas gave a proffessional bow and left.

"Tzuyu must be cold. Aunt Hyucks tummy is cold." Jasmin had her cheek pressed on Donghyucks six month old baby bump with a pout.

"Uncle Mark buys Tzuyu alot of ice creams." Donghyuck sniffled.

"Strawberry ice creams and watermelons." Phaelyn giggled.

"My sweet girl." Jeno whispered, gingerly ruffling the red heads hair.

Jaemin stared at the silver wedding ring on Jeno's ring finger, promitent and proud on his arm. He was married? Jaemin gulped back his tears. Was Jeno lying? Was he married but wants Jaemin too?

"Jeno?" A voice searched as all of them turned to the direction where the voice came from. Hwang Renjun stood with a boy that looked an year younger than the twins.

"Daddy!!!" The child ran to Jeno hugging the mans waist ever so tightly.

"Omg, Donghyuck? Jaemin? Wait wait Phaelyn from the art class right?" Renjun who had been one of their school mates who supposedly been a rich boy squealed after seeing his seniors and his junior Jaemin.

"Junnie?" Donghyuck gasped.

"You're pregnant? Of course you are famous NCT 127's member Mark Lee's wife! I'm Jeno's wife and thats our son Yang Yang." Renjun giggled at the red haired.

"Mommy can we leave?" Jasmin looked up tiredly at her mother feeling her brothers fatigue like telepathy.

"Are they yours? So beautiful!" Renjun awed at the twins who certainly were his husbands children.

"Uhh yeah. I-We should leave. Nice to meet you hyung." Jaemin bowed as Donghyuck led the way and Phaelyn scooped Jasmin into her arms.

Jaemin felt his head spin. Jeno was married? He....He had a son? Seriously? And he fucking wanted Jaemin back? Jaemin was shaking, why was life treating him so meanly.

"Jess!" Donghyuck practically screamed when Jaemin blacked out on his shoulder that very moment.

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