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(Previously, I unpublished this book because I was planning on rewriting it but as I was rewriting Prologue I realized it was too much of a work so I decided again to leave it as it is and just start to write the next chapters in the third Person's point of view (starting from chapter 9.) Anyway please enjoy.)

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'This is not happening!'

This was what Sam had on his mind as he covered his body with a blanket squeezing them tightly as if someone would snatch the covers away. He was blinded by Love and stupidly resorted to drastic measures in order to keep Zacheus by his side. He wanted something that could tie them forever. He wanted a connection and just all of a sudden there's this drug that has been spreading across the black market that really ables man to get pregnant.

It isn't illegal but its not totally accepted because of the Government's passive decision to avoid war with the religious sector. Despite this, the drug was spread and its been earning millions a month, exporting them across different countries. Even Sam's Gay uncle had several of them in his closet hoping that he could finally have a baby with his husband without adopting. That's where Sam got those drug,  of course it wasn't given to Sam. He stole them and now this happened.
'What am I going to do?'

'I never should have stole that drug at my uncle's closet, now this is my karma.'

" argg. " he buried his face on the pillow and screamed his lungs out. He was thinking, funny how love could make people act so stupid. He knew what he did was stupid but the damage had been done. There is no turning back.

'Why did I ever love that person anyway?'

That question came out of Sam's mind. Zacheus is out of Sam's reach. Sam had a crush on him since highschool, he thought it would end after graduating but it turns out they both attended the same University and even had the same blocks. He never once talked to him even though they always sit close to each other.

They never talked, but surprisingly it progress really fast from blockmates, to friends, to sleeping with each other. He thought it was unbelievable, it's like yesterday he couldn't talk to Zach but now, he's pregnant, 7 weeks to be exact and it had to be two! Yes! He is pregnant with two.

Sam's  belly wasn't showing yet and so far, he's only been experiencing morning sickness and vomiting since the last 2 weeks. That's why after having a lot of thinking, he decided to buy himself a pregnancy tests. Unfortunately all five went positive. Every test he took made his heart skipped a beat without knowing if was it because he's happy or frightened of the thought of him getting pregnant. ' How am I going to tell this to Mom and Dad, and Uncle '. A lot of questions came to Sam's mind. Yesterday he secretly went to their family doctor for a checkup and now he hadn't slept a wink, 6:42am, and first class starts at 8:30.

Finally, laying on the bed his back touching the mattress. Sam closed his eyes and caress his harden belly. ' 2 weeks and 3 days ' its been 2 weeks and 3 days since the last time they did it because of Zach's new busy schedule. They haven't been meeting often, they haven't talked to each other and haven't texted. He had Zach's number and email on his phone but not once he tried to contact it. Its always been Zach who's the one initiating the texting but recently he hasn't been. When Zach isn't so busy they sometimes go out, eat lunch or dinner together and of course have sex after but more than that was nothing. Sam was just thankful that both of them felt comfortable with each other despite of them being fuck buddies. But for the last 2 weeks and 3 days they only met 4 times because of the busy schedule.

They weren't dating and it's just purely pleasuring each others sexual desires. Their relationship is complicated and Sam was starting to get tired of it. It hurt him so much, Zach was so close to him but yet he can't touch him. He thought he would be satisfied but the more they comfort each other the more he wanted him. He's always been jealous of those girls Zach dated and everytime, he wishes that he was her though sometimes he just wished that it's better to forget everything about Zach.

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