Meeting The Host Club

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I quickly walked into the room, overwhelmed by the smell of roses, it was almost to much to bare. Haruhi should have warned me about the sickingly sweet smell. As soon as I can look up and focus my eyes I see the twins, Haruhi and 4 others I don't know. Haruhi immediately walks over to a tall blonde, I can already tell his personality 'princess this, princess that, my most beautiful princess'. I throw up a little in my mouth as I remember Yuki, a princely type just like who ever this guy is. Haruhi says, "(Y/N) this is Tamaki Senpai." Then she walks over to a short blonde who looks to be about in kindergarten, he's holding a pink bunny stuffed animal and eating cake. "And this cute little guy is Honey Senpai" Then she points at a tall guy with black semi-spiky hair, who seems to be watching 'Honey Senpai' very closely. "This is Mori Senpai" Then she walks over to a tall guy who has black slicked back hair, he almost looks like a business man, but he's a teenager. "And this is Kyoya and you've already met the twins." The Twins seemed to snicker they were looking at me and whispering what were they talking about?

Hikaru x reader / Kaoru x reader / Haruhi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now