25~ In The Stores Of My Nature...

52 26 110

Note: the updated and edited version of this poetry is now available in my newer poetry collection "When Nature Beckons You". If you want to read the first draft, you are free to ❤️

| words used : 316|


In The Stores Of My Nature..

In the limits of my sky…

I will store all my clouds within,

Which cry, thunder, float or be happy…

Reflecting my mood.


In the depths of my ocean,

I will store all my water within,

Though blurry and wavy,

It resembles my resilience with life.


In the hollows of my nature,

I will store all my lively nests within,

Spread love and affection,

To the most I believe.


In the warmth of my earthy ground,

I will store all my budding saplings,

A gentle envelope enough,

To grow my abilities…


In the colors of my sky,

I will store all my brush strokes within,

No matter my combination,

It shall always see the light…


In the series of my flushing waterfalls,

I will store all my running water within,

When it’s hard to stop them,

No matter the emotions overflowing…


In the trees of my forest,

I will store all my leaves within,

The lines and veins,

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