32~ Bleed Unto My Poetry

47 16 110

| words used : 560|


I'm on my bed,

Knees drawn to my chest,

My eyes hold a faraway look,

Yet my mind remains blank.


I'm lost for words,

Yet now I write this here,

I'm lost in despair,

Anxious beyond repair.


I've never understood,

Why there has to be,

Such dull periods of my life,

Because I feel I've failed myself...


I find no interest,

As if I'd never had any as such,

The nature so comforting,

Now seem bricks of wall.


These feelings so unsettled,

Yet no outlet of anyhow.

I'm heavy as lead,

My mind blank as a sculpted head.


Yet I write these words here,

Desperate I'd lose myself,

These words now seem worthless,

When they were the joy of my life.


I'd get these burst of feelings,

An inspiration in mind,

I'd be in a flurry,

To find a pen and paper in hand.


My hand would write,

An undecipherable language,

Words true from my heart and mind,

Only I could since decipher.


My heart would jolt in excitement,

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