0 . | Prologue

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Word Count: 1754 words

Published: 10th of July 2019



After the Battle of Earth - October 2023



Even with every single hero that fought in the battle against the Mad Titan all in one place, complete and utter silence embodied them all as they stood in remorse and sorrow, mourning for their fallen avenger. 

Tony Stark.

That name had many names, is known by many and will single handily be named as one of the world's greatest defenders; the man who sacrificed his life so that his loved ones and that the Earth could go back to the way things were, the ways things were meant to be even though he wasn't going to be there.

The Avengers had won this battle this time but at what cost?

You still couldn't get the image out of your head; a tarnished battlefield, Thanos's army disappearing one by one, the genocidal warlord turning to dust and Tony.

"And I... am.... Iron Man." Tony breathlessly let out and letting all of his strength go into snapping his fingers, the one desire and wish on his mind, hoping the stones will go by his will. Just once.

You wanted to cry to him, scream or just anything but even if you did, Tony knew the sacrifice had to be made, for you and for the ones around him.

You took small, staggered steps towards Tony, reaching and praying the universe would show him mercy, that everything could be okay and normal.

Through misty and weak eyes, you spotted him kneeling on the cracked ground, determination in his eyes, staring straight into the eyes of the enemy.

But as close and and as far away you were from him, the familiar snap of fingers rang through your ears.

"Tony-" You croaked out, fear burying itself inside of your subconscious, mind building unwanted thoughts and concerns of the worst, you tried walking toward him, still weak from the fight but a bright, piercing white light blinded your vision right before you could make it to him.

A hand on your shoulder startled you and you were brought back into the reality you wished wasn't real.

Turning around, your eyes met with none other than Peter Parker's soft, puffy chocolate brown one's. His eyes weren't full of innocence and happiness as you were used to seeing them 

Peter gave a sad but yet comforting smile to you, afraid if he were to say something he would just choke up so he didn't. 

His miserable smile somehow comforted you; he always has been able to make you feel secure and safe even in times where it seemed like nothing could overcome whatever you were going through.

But despite it all, Peter was your life-line, the one thing keeping you sane from all this madness.  

Without him saying anything, you knew what he was asking you; the pained and concerned expression over his face.

You couldn't answer him though. All you could do was emit stingful tears and cross your arms around you, clinging onto yourself so tightly.

As Peter inched closer to your side, you looked up and saw how much agony he was in and your heart shattered even more just by knowing how close Peter truly was to Tony.

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