3 . | Waves

856 30 17

Word Count: 5556 something words

Published: 15th September 2019

1k reads?! You guys are the best! Hope you enjoy this one! Extra long but I mean,

last update was a month + ago and I apologise : (


At Venice Marco Polo Airport...


The dreadful 9 hour flight was finally over; no more being cramped next to Brad Davis, at last free to roam the city of Venice. 

Mr. Harrington had packed everyone off to the side into a small group, keeping everyone close together and secluded while everyone gathered their passports in a hurry to get outside and see Italy and what it holds. Eventually with passports out, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell merge all the kids to join the line to exit the airport. 

Brad Davis. He was still by your side but all you wanted to do was hang out with Peter and Ned, even Betty and MJ as well. A summer vacation with your friends is a dream come true, but Brad Davis wasn't making it easy for you to even talk to Peter or anyone else. 

It's not like Brad Davis is insufferable or anything... you just, would rather he stayed a distant away from you than constantly being by your side 24/7 for  2 days. You really just wanted to spend this time with someone else.

Among the commotion and sea of people in the airport, you search aimlessly for any sign of anyone to catch up to after you got past the line to wait on the other side for everyone else. The line was full of people standing close together, bouncing impatiently with suitcase and luggage balanced with the rest of their belongings. 

From afar, your eyes catch the blur of a familiar blue flannel speed walking down the hustle of people, also looking for something or someone. 


A sly smile grew on your face as you watched Peter from the distance walk up to Ned, Peter heaving out a breath as he obviously started to rant. You couldn't make out exactly what he was saying but whatever it was about, it had him real worked up and concerned. 

This is my chance! 

Turning on your foot to budge through, a hand grips on your arm and stops you. 

You pivot around and find Brad gawking at you with a funny expression; he clearly wants to know why you're leaving the queue, Brad's eyebrows are raised and he chuckles slightly. 

"Sorry, just go without me. I forgot to ask Mr. Harrington something." You straight up lie. 

"Oh cool! I'll see you soon!" Brad gently lets go of your arm and you hurriedly rush to Peter and Ned.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Hey man, did you see Brad and Y/N/N on the flight? They were watching movies and laughing the entire time..." Peter exasperatedly huffs out to Ned. 

For the whole time Peter was sat behind Brad and Y/N, he was forced to endure the torment of Brad leaning closer to Y/N, countless times of them 'accidentally' knocking both headphones into one another, hearing Y/N laugh... it was a nightmare.

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