6 . | Ablaze

615 26 12

Word Count: 5493 words

Published: 16th January 2019




In Prague, Czech Republic...


Tony Stark.

Of course the first thing you'd see as the bus pulls up to the hotel is an art piece of Tony plastered across a building; it's funny how even after everything, his always there to watch over you... making things now so much harder...

You notice clusters of people on the Prague streets all bundled together holding poles with light decorations attached to them, wearing glow stick accessories with buzzes of conversation and music swaying in the wind.

For the Lights Festival.

Before you realize it, the van gradually slows to a complete stop in front of an exquisite and traditional building and with everyone boarding off,  you rise from your seat cautiously in mind of your injured head and carry yourself down the bus with the others. 

As all of you enter through the golden doors, audible mumbles and gasps of wonder murmur around and even yourself, you can't help but widen your eyes at the 'minor' upgrade to the previous hotel but even though the hotel was all amazement and grand, the gnawing heavy thought of what is to come is chewing away at your conscious and from Peter's hurried eyes and awkward stance, you can tell that he feels the same way.

Coincidentally, you peer over at Peter and hear his phone vibrate at the same time yours does with Peter stepping away from the group to take a call, you grab your phone out and see a singular message:


We're expecting you and Spider-Man.

Spider-Man has been instructed by Hill and you are instructed to place on your suit and headpiece and make your way to these coordinates as soon as possible. 

Remember the plan for tonight, come on time, ready and strong. 

Exhaling deeply, you shove your phone back and can't help but observe Peter from afar who is talking to Ned with a worried manner; he doesn't deserve this...

Slipping away from the group who are all immersed in conversation, you hastily manage sneak yourself back out of the main entrance and look for a place to suit up.

Your eyes meet along an alleyway and you make a run for it and as you are running, you lift your bracelet to your mouth and whisper the command.

Once in the safety of the darkness of the alleyway, ARIS complies and you feel your suit mold perfectly around your body and when ready, you fly into the night, full of fear and regret to the coordinates.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Physics is easy!" Peter exclaims with his hands in the air, accidentally letting his pencil go. 

"For you! You're a science guy; anything science and you just absorb the information and understand it! I can't do that!" Y/N huffs out an annoyed breath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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