2 . | Flight

918 29 45

Word Count: 3888 words

Published: 10th August 2019

It's MCU Peter Parker's birthday today! : p


At some time in the morning...





Mhmmm 5 more minutes...




5 more minu- GAH!

A beacon of light suddenly pierced through your window and directly onto your face causing you to yelp and instantly reach for your cover, pulling it over half of your face. 

Hearing the footsteps of someone, you assume it's your mother attempting to get you up before she exits the room closing your door. 

You examine your room with blurry eyes and see she had opened your window and curtains to draw the light in just in the right spot to hit your face. Moving your feet to adjust yourself, you feel something hard resting on the end of your bed. 

Why is there a suitcase on my- 

Realization hitting you like a train, you immediately scramble out of bed, springing yourself off your feet and heading straight to your closet.

You rummage insanely through your closet, trying to find a decent outfit to wear to Venice. 

I should of planned this... 

Deciding on wearing something simple but Italy appropriate, you hurriedly chuck on a pair of white jeans and grab a tan t-shirt from your wardrobe and as you pull it over your head, you hiss in pain and jerk back in reflex. 

From your half lifted pyjama top, you can clearly see the dark coloration of your skin from the previous night and gasp by how dark it got so quickly. 

Brushing off the shock and concern, you put on the tan t-shirt and throw over a light navy blue coat and to finish off your outfit, you place your favourite shoes on your feet. 

"Y/N!" You hear your mother call and her tone has a hint of impatience. 

"Coming!" You exclaim and take your time doing your hair and head down. 

You enter the kitchen and see your mother had been cooking breakfast for you and not only was breakfast steaming hot and waiting for you but, F/N was seated at the table.

"Hey!" F/N stands up from the table and walks up to you, giving you a warm, embracing hug.

You hug back and give F/N a little squeeze before letting F/N go.

"W-what are you doing here?" You step back, folding your arms over your chest, smiling at your friend. 

"You really think I would let you go to Europe without saying goodbye?" F/N fake pouts and crosses their arms jokingly. 

"Well, you technically did last night-"

"That's not the point. I wanted to give you a proper goodbye before you go to Europe and get it on with Peter Parker-"

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