Lisa and her friends made up a month ago. She start to hanging out again with them and she introduced her new friends to her friends but they aren't friends with each other. Just introduced.
Did she forget about Jennie? No, she always missed her, she always think of her even though she's hurt that Jennie left her. She's always hurt by those people she love. They are all disappointing her.
Lisa and Miyeon are lying on the grass. While their eyes closed.
"Limario?" Lisa hummed as her eyes are still closed
"Are you hoping that Jennie will come back?" She asks out of nowhere. Lisa opened her eyes slowly as she saw Miyeon looking at her confusedly
"...I do" She flatly said
"If she come back, are you going to distance yourself from me?"
"Why would you think that way?" She chuckled as Miyeon death glared her "No of course not. You're my friend, when I have nothing, you were there, when I'm sad you always makes me happy. No I won't do that to you Miyeon. I'm not that kind of person" She sounds offeneded
"No Lisa. I don't want to offend you I just wanna know. Same as you, I hate people leaving me hanging. Like I was nothing. Yes I understand my boyfriend leave me for a reason. I just hate the fact that when I get attached to someone they will just leave me. I'm afraid that someone's going to leave specially when they're special to me" She explained. Lisa smile sadly at her as she put Miyeon's head on her chest.
"Yeon, me too. I hate it when people are always leaving me. I hate it. So I won't do it to you because I don't want that to happen to anyone. It hurts. I don't want to see other people hurting. Specially you, I don't want to leave you. Because you're my special friend Miyeon. You're special to me. So please stop thinking that when Jennie comes back I will replace you, because no. I won't do that to you. As I've said you're the only person who's there when I needed someone to cry on, when I need to chill out, when I'm about to explode" She genuinely said as she kissed Miyeon's head.
Miyeon didn't say anything. She just smiled on what she heard. She's happy because she finally found someone who will protect her, she feel safe when Lisa is around.
Little they know someone are staring at them.
"Now explain to me Kang Seulgi if they are just friends" Irene snapped as she cross her arms
"They are. Stop assuming things. We know Lisa will open up to me or to Chaeng if they are a thing" She confidently said. Chaeng nodded
"But they are really closed huh. Lisa and I used to be like that" Chaeng sadly said. It's true they are closer than Seulgi before but when Chaeng moved to Australia. Which means she LEFT Lisa again.
"Chaeng don't be sad okay? She changed Chaeng, that's Lisa now. Pain made her like that. I'm not saying that you hurt her..."
"But I did. I left her when she needed me" She argued
"You have no choice"
"But for her I always have choice. People always have choice, And I chose to leave" She lowered her head. Irene lift up her chin
"Hey. Stop thinking about that okay? Everything will be okay Chaeng" Irene clearly don't know what to say. Seulgi didn't tell her because Lisa is really private about her life. It's up to her if she wants open up. Lisa never open what happened to her parents. Only to Jisoo. Jisoo only know her secrets. And Seulgi told Irene about that as she explained why is Lisa being like that.
"Thank you unnie" They pulled away
"Why don't we go on a vacation then?" Irene suggested. They both smiled
"That's a good idea babe" She side hugged her girlfriend
"Let's go then. We'll tell them besides they are waiting for us" They nodded as they went to their hide out.
"So what's the plan?" Bambam asked while he's eating his apple
"Let's go to our rest house" Kook shook his head
"She doesn't want to go there. She will just remind of Jisoo going there" Seulgi glared at him
"Kook, she's over her. Sure Jisoo still have a place in her heart but let me remind you of this. She loves Jennie, so please kook" She heaved a sigh
"Fine if you say so" He shrugged
"He never change" Joy whispers to Yeri. Seulgi claps
"I texted Lisa she'll be here in 5. Let's wait and start planning" She command. Lisa arrived. Their mouth went wide open except for Seulgi and Chaeng who's giving them a smile as they saw Lisa and Miyeon holding hands.
"Hi guys" They both greeted smiling. She kissed Chaeng's cheeks as she always does. They all greeted them as they are being suspicious.
"So what's the plan?" She asks and sat between Miyeon and Chaeng.
"Well Chaeng and I wants to chill out, go on avacation. Are you cool with it?"
"Yeah sure. Where and when?"
"In our rest house twinsis" Tae said
"Oh that's cool then. I miss that place" Seulgi smiled. She really know Lisa.
"Tomorrow, is that okay with you guys?"
"Yes I'm in"
"I'm in"
"Count me in"
"We are all in"
"Can I bring Miyeon with me?" Before they can even react Seulgi answers
"Yes of course. Are you cool coming with us yeah?" Seulgi asked smiling as their friends can't believe what she just said. Miyeon glances at Lisa asking for an answer. Lisa nods as she smiled sweetly at her
"Disgusting" Tae whispered as he roll his eyes. Bambam elbowed him.
"Yes Seulgi" She smile politely
After that Seulgi, Irene and Chaeng start talking to Miyeon. Getting to know her probably. Chaeng and Irene starts to like her because she's sweet and funny. Seulgi can feel that Miyeon is one for them from the begging when Miyeon and Lisa starts hanging out, she's one of them, like a real friend. She really cares for Lisa.
"Guys, we have to go. I will just drive Miyeon home" They are all bid their goodbyes. When Lisa and Miyeon left the area
"You called that friends?" Taehyung asks
"Yes" Seulgi confidently said "It looks like I really know your twin sister more than you do. Trust me, she's just one of us. But a little different from us" They looked at her confusedly as she rolled her eyes "You won't get me anyway. They are just friends. That's it. Just drop the non sense"

Sister's girlfriend (Jenlisa x Lisoo)
Fanfiction"I love you so I will wait for you. I will wait for you to love me, no matter how long it takes" Jennie to Lisa "I can no longer see you with my eyes, touch you in my hands, but I will feel you in my heart. Forever" Lisa to Jisoo "You might not be...