(3.11) Everything

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"Toothless!" I shout until my voice goes raw, pacing the length of the cliff. Something had to be done. The rest of the villagers had gone to comfort their dragons, and prepare for whatever form of battle that was to come. Astrid walks up to me.

"Don't say it." I put my hand in the air.

"I wasn't going to." Her voice was sad.

"I shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have taken us from the island. I shouldn't have led the fight against Grimmel's barracks. I shouldn't have done any of this." I rested my head in my hands, halting my pacing.


"I feel just like when I first met Toothless. A screw up."

"I can see that." Astrid's voice was sarcastic.

"Are you going to stand there and agree with everything I say?" I shoot a glare at her, a tinge of anger in my voice.

"Well you are right." She walks to my side, and takes my hand. "You're back to where you started. But I was the first to believe in you. And I have watched you doubt whether you're worthy ever since. But you know what...I am the person I am today because of you. I never told you that but it's true. You are the bravest, most stubborn, most determined... knucklehead I know. Toothless didn't give you that, Hiccup. He just made it--"

"Easier." A sad smile fills my features.

"And now it's a hell of a lot harder. So what are you going to do about it?" We are back to where we started. Six years, and the answer still remains.

I laugh, "Probably something stupid."

"That's the Hiccup I know." She reconsiders. "That's the Chief I follow."

I kiss her on the cheek and walk back towards the rest of the villagers. I direct my words to the teens.

"Suit up, we're getting the dragons back and ending this once and for all." I nod to Eret, and he starts rounding everyone up.

"You've lost your mind." That came from Snotlout.

"Now that! Is marriage material!" Tuffnut throws both arms around me in a massive bear hug. "At last, faithful pupil, you are ready."

It was two to a dragon, some of the Berkian dragons followed Toothless. I told them too, all of the dragons Grimmel could see went with Grimmel. We had to keep an image. I had my adapted flight suit on, and was standing on the edge of the cliff, staff in hand, looking at my team.

"So you want us, to just, go after him. That's the best you got?" Ruffnut didn't sound very sure of the idea.

"No, you're the best I've got." She smiles a genuine smile.

"I'm with him! Who else!" A chorus of let's do this follows Ruffnut, and I leap of the cliff, extending my wings into the air, and fly towards the ship.

My team was on either side of me, watching my six, and making sure I didn't dip to far down. I could just barely see Grimmel in the distance, he was holding Toothless and the Light Fury above the ship. Taunting the others with the prospects of a Night Fury. The other dragons, the Berkian dragons were being forced into cages, poked and prodded.

It was starting to piss me off.

"Alright gang, get on the ships. Stay low, stay quiet." I landed on the back of Hookfang, and placed a hand on Snotlout's shoulder to steady me. "Ruff, Tuff, cause some subtle chaos. Go. Astrid, Meatlug, Snotlout, set the dragons free. Go"

I moved to leap of of Snotlout's dragon, but he put his hand over mine.

"Be, uh, be safe." He pauses, "Chief."

I pat his, shoulder, and repeat the same to him before diving off of Hookfang's back. I went straight for Grimmel. It was easier to sneak up on him if it was just me. I knocked him from his pedestal and landed pretty damn gracefully on the deck of the ship below them. Instantly I was swarmed with soldiers, I was careful about my attacks. I didn't want to show off my fire, no.

That was saved for Grimmel.

I knocked dozens of them out with the ends of my staff, spinning it above my head and at my sides. I was glad that I had so much practice in the past few years. I had just is ducked from a blow, and was having trouble getting back to my feet to engage the next when Astrid snagged him for me. I shouted my thanks, and continued on.

A blast from above startled me, and when I looked up, Grimmel's tower was crashing to the ground. It was taking it's sweet time, so I geared up, and lept into the air grabbing hold to the metal scaffolding. Kaida was free, Grimmel had control over her. Which only left Toothless trapped. I was able to scrambled close enough to him to loose the straps, and when I did, he was ready for me. I was on his back in an instant and together we were flying after Grimmel.

"He's up!" Astrid shouts, "Dragon Riders, attack!"

I could hear them whooping and hollering, and they began their attack on the ships. Leaving me with Grimmel. He had one of his harness things over Kaida's face, keeping her under his control. Toothless and I were just behind him the entire stretch of the way.

I gave Toothless the reigns, turning instead to deal with the Death Gripper that was following us. It took three blasts of fire, and one Alpha command to take him down. Toothless fired a shot at Grimmel before I could warn him off. The shot hit Kaida, who nearly fell out of the sky.

This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

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