Chapter 3

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(Ok I'm going to skip all the way when Ed takes his final exam to become a full fledge State alchemist)

"It's rather unusual for you to came observe the exam, sir." said a soldier.

"True but I hear that a 12 year old boy taking the test. I might as well see what all the excitment is all about." said the Fuhrer King Bradley.


[at the exams]

"Congrats on your hard work young alchemist! And for the final test you will go against one of the best state alchemist." a soldier announced and then pointed at you.

You stepped forward without complaint and made your way next to the soldier. As you stood there making eye contact with the young alchemist, you could hear your father (Hughes) compaining about how his daughter was put as the final test for the exams. Mustang had to grab hold of Hughes to keep him still.

"Are you kidding me?! I have to go against a girl?! Seriously, who am I really going against?" Ed laughed and began looking around.

You then began walking towards Ed and stopped about 2 ft away from him, staring him down without blinking. You muttered to him...

"...short..." after saying that, it made Ed blow. ( oh and by the way, your 2inches taller than him)

"WHO ARE YOU CALLIN SHORT!" Ed shouted at you.



"Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to the Eastern Command Center Festival! And incidentally, this two loving daughters, Elicia and (Name)." Hughes announced showing a HUGE portrait of you and your now three year old little sister. The audience starting shouting and arguing with Hughes as well as throwing stuff at him. And all that throwing hit the Portrait and fell on top of Hughes. "And now we move on to today's main event! In the red corner, my daughter, the Siren Alchemist."

You stood on the right side of the battle field, wearing your military pants and a tight black shirt that you wore under your uniform top. You had two pistols attached to your belt ready and loaded. You tied your short (h/c) hair back in a messy bun.

"In the blue corner, Edward Elric!" Hughes announced pointing to Ed. "Alchemist ready...FIGHT!"

"Alright lets do this!" Ed shouted as he charged right for you. He jumped up in the air and aimed for a punch to your face."Don't think I'll go easy on you just beacuse your a girl!" he shouted. You closed your eyes and dodged his attack. He landed and went for a kick. You blocked it in time as you pulled out your pistol and aimed for his arm, only havingg the bullet skim his limp. He jumped back and began dodging all your bullets until you ran out.

"Hah, all out of ammo! Guess your powerless now!" He smirked at you but quickly changed to a frown.

You touched your finger tips together and sang what seems to be a command in a different language.

(Play the video)

"Baou wi shaouda selgayutro." You chanted.

Then there was a sudden glow that surrounded your feet and what emerged from the ground seemed to be a bow.

"Is she serious?! She used alchemy just by using the sound of her voice! That's why she's known as the Siren Alchemist." Ed said to himself. "How are you going to use a bow when you don't even have arrows?!" Ed taunted you with a smirk.

In return you gave him a blank stare as you reached over your shoulder and pulled out an arrow from nowhere, placed on the bow and aimed for your target (Ed) taking a deep breath and releasing the arrow. Ed dodged it but was caught off guard to see another arrow being shot at him. One landed a few feet away from him. He laughed as he picked it up.

"You really need to work on your aim." he teased you.

(Play video)

"Imiutel ichii valuto."You chanted.

Then suddenly, the arrow Ed was holding formed into what looked like a snake as it began wrapping around Ed's body. You really took Ed by surprise there. Ed began struggled with all his might to break free.

"Heh cheap trick. But not good enough!" Ed shouted as he clapped his hands and used his automail to form a blade and sliced himself loose.

You pulled out another arrow and began shooting Ed. Ed dodged your arrows and clapped his hands and placed them on the ground. What caught you off guard was seeing two large form of hands came up from the ground and grabbed hold of you tightly. Ed smirked at you.

"Heh, got ya."

"A-and the winner is....EDWARD ELRIC!!!" Hughes announced.

Ed smiled brightly as he jumped up and down for his victory as well as his brother Al. Ed then released you from the big hands grip and walked over to you, holding out his hand.

"Great match today!" Ed smiled.

You stared at him and then at his hand. You slowly reached for his hand and took it. You both shook hands and nodded.


[in Mustangs office]

Congrats on your victory Edward Elric! You are now the dog of the military. And the Fuhrer came up with a new name for you as well. You are now known as the Fullmetal Alchemist!" Mustang announced.

Ed smirked at his new title.

"Fullmetal, huh. I like that." He grinned.

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