Chapter 4

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"Yawn!" Ed stretched out his arms up to the sky.

"Brother, do you know what time our next train leaves?" Al asked.

"It's not till tomorrow morning. Let's get some shut eye." Ed replied as he made himself comfortable on the bench.

You sat next to Al and stared at the ground. Al glanced over to you and gave you a soft chuckle.

"You should get some rest (Name). We have a while to wait for the next train." Al said in a sweet tone. You gave him a blank stare then glanced back to the ground.

"I will be just fine. I have had enough rest along the way." You responded with your emotionless tone.

"Well, I just thought maybe you should get some more rest just in case something were to happen. And Coronel Hughes would kill me and Ed if something bad would happen to you. It was hard enough for him to let you come with us to Liore." Al's sweat dropped at the thought of your over protective father, Hughes.


"NO! I REFUSE TO LET MY LITTLE GIRL TO ACCOMPANY SUCH A TASK!" Hughes shouts, embracing you in his arms with a tight squeeze.

"Hughes, I understand your concern for your daughter but she is one of our strongest soldiers. I doubt having her babysit two kids on one mission." Roy explained, which kinda ticked Ed off and Al sweatdropped.

"NO,NO,NO! I CANNOT ACCEPT THIS!" Hughes whined as he was now being separated from you, both Riza Hawkeye and Havick securring him, each grabbing an arm. Hughes began to struggle.

"I will be alright, Father. I will return back safely." You assurred to Hughes with a blank expression.

"(Name)..." Hughes began to cry with anime tears.


You sighed.

"Alright. I will try to get some rest." you said as you slowly began to close your eyes.

"AAAAHHHH!!! MY PURSE! HE STOLE MY PURSE!" a woman shouted, causing you to wake up.

"Well, naptime's over." Ed announced as he stood up.

Al nodded in reply and stood up with him. You stand and rested your hand on your gun, ready to attack when you spot the thief running towards the three of you with a purse in his hands.

"Hah, it's almost too easy." the thief smirked at his victory but quickly ends when his path was blocked by you, Ed, and Al. "Alright now, off to bed you two, like good little boys now. You too missy, I don't have time for this!" he mocked as he pulled out his pistol.

You quickly equiped your gun and shot the pistol out of the thief's hand, causing him to tremble. Al placed his hands on the ground, and a bright blue light surrounded the thief. Then metal bars emersed from the ground and formed into a cage to keep the thief locked in. Ed approached the caged thief and picked up the pistol and laughed.

"I think you're the one who crawled out of the crib too early." Ed told the thief, as he gave you the pistol. You took the weapon and placed it on your gun belt.

"Nicely done! Now that was really something. Your trick there wouldn't what they call alchemy would it?" a cop asked, with an amazed look on his face.

"Uh yeah?" Ed replied.

"To think that kids your age could be such accomplished alchemists already! Around these parts, the only alchemist I ever get to see is old Majhal." the cop mentioned to the three of you.

"Majhal, huh?" Ed said.

"Yup, they say he does good things for people in need with his alchemy, just like you kids did." said the cop.

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