Chapter 51: Front Men Jump To Conclusions

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The Universe grows old and dies, while we make nice in this farmhouse kitchen.

Forever, man. That's how long we shoot the shit.

Bodie and Trace stuffing their faces full of diabetes, talking to the Rev. Me charming the sisters, of course.

This is not my scene, dealing with the Mama's and the Papa.

Normally I'd have already bailed. I'd rather be out on the lawn in some serious swing-set action with the kids. Especially since, I'm kinda feeling the fun again. Lotsa little squirts that I can shake up like soda bottles? Watch 'em explode with pure glee? Hand 'em back to their parents when they get weepy, sleepy, bleedy, needy?

That's my gig. Leed Lawson, squirt-stirrer.

But not today.

Today, there's something else drawing my fire.

I'm worried about Mac. Not like before...not the overbearing don't-fuck-with-my-sister-cause-she's-traumatized worried.

I'm worried she's had a rough time and that I've been missin' it while I've been lost in my own drama. That she's been carrying a burden. That she and Adam have been at odds about that burden. That's maybe that burden is why she's been so back and forth with Adam. The fights, the staying in my suite. Her moods swings, the differences in her.

My baby girl. I wasn't there when she needed me.

Not there for Adam, either. I think he's in a bad way, too. I've never seen him like he is today...completely wrecked. Wrecked to the point of physically sick. Normally, that guy's got more do-what-you-have-to-do than Trace and me combined.

Not today. Today, a four-month old put him under.

God, I love my sister. So much. But I warned Adam.

She ain't tame.

How could I not see it? I see it clearly now.

Now that it's all over, apparently.

The Rev jolts me from thoughts, slapping me on the back and suggesting we all join the kiddos outside. As people move to follow his lead, I grab Trace by the arm.

"Huddle," I say casually. All SCIC ears perk up. "Just the band, no biggie," I say to Riley. I give Tamara and Ben a slow nod and smile. Everyone follows the Rev. Everyone trudges out on the back deck and down into the yard, disappearing to the back lawn that slopes toward the natural, tree-covered shore-line of the lake that abuts the Heartley's property. Everyone except Trace, Bodie and me. We stay on the back deck.

I grip the railing and stare beyond the lawn filled with people, beyond the trees, to the sun glistening on the lake. It makes me think of Ashlynn,of how her warm comfort is still wrapped around me. I'm pretty sure I need to be paying that comfort forward to Mac. And Adam.

"What's up?" Bodie asks, as he beats a pattern on the railing. He's probably consumed a pound of sugar since I've been here.

I lean backwards on the deck rail. "Remember that day Tamara told us in the band meeting about the baby?"

"Hard to forget," Bodie agrees."What about it?"

"Afterward, we were on the balcony and the conversation bled over to Mac and Adam," I turn to Trace, "I told Adam not to get Mac pregnant. You said they had a false alarm. When?"

"Uhhh...right then." Trace looks suddenly wary. "Why?"

"What exactly did Adam say that made you think it was a false alarm?"

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