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Prompt: Lucien breaks down after receiving news about his father.

"Fa-I AM NOT YOUR FATHER" Lord Beron's voice echoed down the whole meeting room making almost all of the High Fae Lords flinch.

His volume was deafening but that wasn't what effected your mate, his words did.

Lucien stared at his father with a face almost as red as his hair expression unreadable one you have never seen before.

Beron spoke again realizing that Lucien wasn't going to ask for an explanation.

Everyone but Lucien's mother was surprised.

"You were never my son."

His tone went down a few notches like it would lessen the blow.

"Years ago your mother a-whore" he spat angrily but continued.

"Couldn't keep her legs shut, she fucked Helion for centuries."

Lucien's grip tightened on your hand and you could feel the heat radiating off of him a snarl fighting its way into his throat.

Beron spoke again.

"You were never my son, I should have gotten rid of you but I decided against it and now look where we are I should have left you on the streets to sta-That's enough!"
You cut in not willing to allow him to belittle your mate anymore.

"You're right you are not his father, no father would say such things. You are a excuse of a man looking for nothing but fortune such a greedy, fowl man you are you deserve all the worst!"

A chill went down your spine when Beron shifted to his feet in a flurry of fury you followed his actions standing unafraid.

A blast of fire kissed your elbow and you clenched your eyes clouded over and time seemed to slow.

Your power, unlike any other High Fae was dark and powerful only the strongest of the Fae could look through your quiet demeanor and into the face of the monster lurking beneath.

You raised your hand calmly, to calmly palm open and lifted you fingers in a slow movement.

Beron suddenly found himself chocking on nothing as a dark ink surrounded his throat his feet suddenly lifted off the ground in a painfully swift movement.

He clawed at his throat and a wicked smile crossed your usual calm expression.

Now only Amren wasn't confused.


You noticed the hand that once clenched your fist had loosened when Rhysand's voice brought you back.

Your hand fell and Beron's body dropped back into his chair limply and a stunned horror held his once angry expression.

Noticing you mate was gone you spared no time in waiting for anyone's reaction but instead ran to the shared room in Hellion's home.

You didn't bother knocking he wouldn't say anything anyway.

He was seated on bed when you closed the door but was standing before you by the time you turned face finally readable.

"I'm so sorry."

You stepped towards him running a hand doe his arm when he wrapped his arms around your waist like a child would after being reunited with their mother.

But you didn't mind, how could you?"

A silent sob wracked his body as his tears wet your shoulder neck buried in the crook of my neck.

I shushed him quietly.

"He didn't deserve you don't give him the satisfaction of hurting you, be strong."

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