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Prompt: Cassian questions your trust in him.

You had bad self esteem issues it wasn't something that was hidden but you didn't exactly scream it down crowded streets.

Cassian had recently been more. . distant, he had recently taken a liking to Feyre's sister Nesta.

He looked after her throughout the entire war and now even after she made your self love turn into self hatred so quickly.

Why can't I look like her so beautiful and edgy some people in this world were just blessed with beauty and you couldn't help that you weren't one of those people.

'Get over it' you thought to yourself but cringed at the memory replaying in your head.

Cassian Shielding Nesta while looking at her like she was the only person in the world who could make him happy.

Like she was the only thing he wanted or needed.

You shielded you're thoughts well aware of the room of people you'd just been faced with.

'Don't say anything stupid' you reminded yourself'.

That made a lump form in your throat.

'Nesta wouldn't say anything stupid' a grim reminder of the truth that you could have lived without knowing.

You were met with Rhysand's grin and in return gave him a smile a fake smile that did not meet your eyes.

Even Rhysand seemed to notice this taking his time but slowly finessing his way to the shields in your head.

A swift knock at your wall made you flinch but you only shook your head and walked past him and away from the others to grab something you left on the table.

"Y/N" Azriel's voice questioned you and you lifted your gaze to meet his noticing your mate as well as Nesta next to him looking annoyed.

"Are you coming with us tonight?" you mentally backtracked did you miss something oh wait-shit it was your birthday tomorrow but they wouldn't celebrate that tonight.

You honestly didn't think they would even remember but she also didn't expect them to do anything if they did.

You calmly responded "nah I'm going to stay here maybe next time."

She received a nod but a glare from Mor "you said that last time, are you okay."

"Of course I'm fine I just don't feel the best today is all."

"We could go out tomorrow night" Rhysand offered but you shook your head.

"It's fine no need" as you made your swift exit.

"Tag along" the voices in your head whispered and it caused your shield to falter for a split second but it was enough for Rhysand to get through.

You glanced behind at him without halting realizing your mistake but his face held no emotion.

You made sure to quicken your pace.

(Later that bight before leaving)

Two voices drifted down the hall light illuminating two winged shadows.

"Her trust in you is faltering" Rhysand murmured to his friend.

"What?" Cassian's smirk faltered so Rhysand carried on.

"You're not as close as you were before. She feels like she's not enough like she lacks everything. She compares herself to her".

Rhysand didn't have to say the name for Cassian to know what she meant.

"I di-" "just try to fix it Cassian don't let your bond dull she needs you."

A firm nod.

(Later on the balcony)

You smiled to yourself looking over the edge with distant eyes.

You always did like heights.

A smooth voice broke through the comforting silence.

"Look any closer and you'll fall" it made you jump and you turned recognizing the voice of your mate.

Your smile dropped slowly and you frowned and turned to face him back to the banister.

"Why didn't you go with the others your the life of the party." 

A well known smirk made itself known as he took one step forward, and then another.

"I thought they could do without me for a night!"

He tilted his head like a confused puppy "why are you always alone now."

You shrugged then shifted under his unyielding gazed.

"Do you trust me?" Your hand loosened on the bottom of your shirt at the look in his face that was unreadable.

"Wh-" his fingers traced your jaw before he reached your chin lifted in carefully as if you'd break at any movement he'd make.

His lips met yours and the familiar feeling made you stifle a quiet moan 

You missed this feeling you realized, all to much.

You wrapped your arm around his neck.

You missed him.

Deepening the kiss Cass wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you to sit on the banister you can feel the faint wind blow against your back

Moving to grip his shoulder he pushed his body against yours and broke away but not far before asking again "do you trust me."

"Yes" was your reply that you spent no time thinking on "more than anyone else" you whispered.

Cassian smiled and leaned you back you felt the absence of presence on your back and smiled he returned it before kissing you again.

His lips moved feverishly on your own and he lifted you again lowering you enough to be leveled waist to waist.

Your legs curled around his and he carried you away to a night full of love and worshiping.

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