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Prompt: You get into a fight with Cassian and storm off. Later Cassian realizes that you disappeared, he can't feel the bond and he can't tell if his mate is hurt.

Jealousy is a dangerous thing a slow killer it slips into your mind and waits for the perfect moment to latch on and make itself known.

Being jealous was hard and people agreeing that you should be jealous was harder.

Why did you hold all your feelings inside until your bubble burst and you finally fell apart?


That's what he had been.

You didn't want to jump to conclusions but you clearly knew why Cassian was spending every minute of everyday waiting.

Waiting for Nesta to trust him so that he could try to fix her.

"They're perfect for each other"

People would say.

"I mean warmth will always overpower the cold right!"

Others would say.

You stayed silent and never corrected them.

You stayed silent when he slowly began drifting away.

You stayed silent when he risked his life to protect her.

"For that girl you would risk your life" the king wandered out loud and then pointed a clawed finger at you.

"But would you risk hers?"

Silence that was the response you received.

"Would you risk your mates life for your friend?"

He again motioned to a bleeding Azriel and more silence ensued.

Cassian only stared up at the king with shredded wings and hate filled eyes.

"Very well" the King has said before snapping his fingers.

And just that quickly it was over you were somewhere in Hybern miles away from what you thought was your family.

The royal family was strong but you were stronger you refused to break under their clutches and soon enough your survived a month.

Then they showed up.

The Inner Circle claiming to be your saviors but it was 3 weeks to late.

Empty is what you had become at least to them.

You couldn't trust them anymore they had just let them take you they did not put up a fight.

While your mate, he did nothing probably just watched he was probably grateful it wasn't Nesta.

Grateful it wasn't anyone who actually meant something to him.

Going home was anticlimactic nothing changed people were the same except they treated you like you were a caged animal.

Afraid any step they took would set you off, would break you.

You were quieter than before and shot down any attempts they made to talk to you.

Not because you were broken no but because you were pissed off they betrayed your trust, someone could have said something.

Anything but no one did if it was anyone else from the Inner Circle they would offer their lives to save another.


"I don't get it why do you bother she's obviously not going to talk."

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