What Was Stopping You

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"Want to go to see a movie?" Jk asked as we walked out of Subway.

"Um, im good. Last time we saw a movie together. You couldnt stop complaining, then you started crying." I started to laugh

"Hey! It was a sad ending!" He pouts

"You just dont have a heart!" He blurts out

"Wow, im sad now." I clutch my heart with a fake hurting expression.

He laughs then points at this carnival across the street.

"Wanna go there?" He asked

"That actually looks like fun, yeah lets go." We both walked across the street, maybe it was because i was used to it but i was waiting for my hand to be held by Jungkooks only because Jimin always held my hand when we'd walk somewhere.

Once we got to the entrance, Jungkook stopped and paid for our tickets.

"Ill have $40 worth of tickets please" he recieved the tickets then gave me half.

We walked around until we saw a booth where we can try hitting the bottles down with a ball.

"Bet you i can hit all 3 with 1 ball." Jk said.

"Alright bet. If you dont, you have to go up to that guy dressed as a monkey and pull his tail." I smirk, knowing he wasnt going to hit all 3 balls.

"Your on!" Jk gives the lady 2 tickets and recieves 3 balls. He grabs one ball and puts it right infront of his eye, trying to find the right spot to throw the ball.

He finally leans back and throws the ball soft but with fast speed. With his luck he only hit two balls down.

"Ahh you lost!" I jumped up and down, laughing now that Jungkook had to go pull that human monkeys tail.

"Wow, i should have had that!" Jk pouts but quicklu brings himself up to go towards the man dressed as a monkey.

I quickly grab my phone and press record.

Jk sneaks behind the monkey man and slowly reaches for the tail. I try to hold in my laughter as he does so.

He grabs hold of the tail and quickly pulls on it, not knowing that it was a velcro tail, it came right off.

Jungkook didnt know what to do besides stand still as the monkey man turned around looking down at him.

I start hysterically laughing as i got all of this on video.

I rush over to Jungkook to pull him away from this gone wrong bet.

"Hey im sorry about that, he's a little dumb up there and doesnt know how to not touch what isnt his." I tap on Jungkooks head, earning a stare from him.

"Here, take your tail back. Im very sorry about this." I grab the tail try handing it back to the man, but instead he turned around sticking his butt up to us. I think he wanted us to stick it back on for him.

I gave the tail back to Jungkook as he just looked at me not knowing if this guy was being serious.

"What are you waiting for, stick it back on." The man said with irritation in his voice.

"Go on, put it back." I tell Jungkook.

He slowly reaches out to stick the tail back on but the tail wouldn't stick, it just wasnt working. Jungkook started to worry that the man would turn around and do some thing.

So by the fourth or fifth time of trying to stick it back on, Jungkook looked at me and quickly grabbed my arm running away from the monkey man. Jungkook took the mans tail along with me. At this point, i couldny control my laughter.

"Hey! Thats my tail! Give it back!" The monkey man started chasing us once he noticed we ran.

We kept running until we found the house of mirrors.

We ran inside, not paying attention, jungkook turning left and I turning right.

I ended up losing Jungkook in the house of mirrors. All i saw was myself in every mirror i passed.

"Where are you two! I know your in here!" The voice got closer. I hid behind the first mirror i saw.

Moments later i see the monkey man walking passed the mirror im behind.

"Stupid kids... i knew i shouldnt have taken this damn job, forget the damn tail!" He mumbled to himself

I began laughing as he started to make his way out the house of mirrors. I moved away from the mirror moments later.

I began looking for Jungkook but couldn't find him anywhere.

That is until i was pulled behind another only to be met with Jungkook standing centimeters away from me. I could seriously feel his warmth radiating off of him. Thats how close we were.

"Uhm- hmm, hes gone.." I mumble out, trying not to make eye contact.

"Good." Was all he said, i looked up to find him staring down on me, more like staring at my lips.

I couldnt help but stare at his also. Our breathing began to quicken, you could tell we were both debating on what to do next.

We just stood there for what feels like forever, staring.

That is until he started to lean in. His hands slowly moved from my shoulders down to my hands as he leaned in.

I didnt move, i didnt know how to react.

Next thing i know, his lips met mine.

I didnt know what to do, but all i knew was i didnt want him to pull away, so i kissed back.

I felt him smile through the kiss, which only made me smile.

His right hand soon moved from my hand to the side of my face.

After a few moments, he back away trying to catch his breath as did I.

He rested his forehead against mine, smiling hugely.

"You have no idea how long ive been wanting to do that." I blushed at the thought of Jungkook admitting that hes been wanting to kiss me for who knows how long.

"And what was stopping you?" I asked with a sly smile and red cheeks.

All he did was stare right at me, and nothing else.


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