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Today was Jimins birthday, and he had made it clear no party.

The boys wanted to throw one anyways, but I wanted no part of it. I wanted to just spend the day with him.

"This is nice." Jimin said, laying his head on my shoulder as we watched a movie.

"Im happy its just us." He said holding my hand in his.

"I love you y/n" he said before closing his eyes.

He looked like he was going to fall asleep, but quickly jumped up when he heard the boys barge in screaming.

"Jimin! Where you at!?" Jin and Taehyung shouted.

We both popped up from the couch catching there attention.

They laughed.

"Did we interrupt?" Jin asked laughing.

"Nope." Jimin annoying said, flopping his head back on the couch.

"Good, now come with us." Taehyung pulled Jimin off the couch and Jin grabbed me.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked.

"Its a surprise" Taehyung said. Jimin looked at me for answers, but looked away seeing me as a victim in this since Jin is dragging me along too.

Once we got to Jins place, we walked in to house full of people shouting surprise.

Jimin wasnt surprised, he had no emotion but he quickly built up the fake happy emotion and pretended to be surprised and happy.

"Aw you guys are the best! Thank you!" He said to all the boys.

The boys all highfived each other.

"Told you he'd like it!" Hoseok said directly to me.

I shook my head towards him, catching Jimins look at me. He looked kind of upset.. at me?

I walked up to him, and he just looked at me upset.

"You knew?" He said, angrily but not loud enough where he could make a scene.

"I knew yes, but i had no part in it, they didnt listen to me when i told they you di-" he cut me off.

"I just wanted it to be us y/n, it was the first birthday i thought i would be able to just chill and not have to deal with another party." He fessed out.

"Im sorry." I said grabbing his hands in mine.

"Well, were here so we might as well try and have fun." He said pulling me to the dance floor, that was Jins livingroom and dining room.

We danced for awhile until we got tired, then went to get something to drink.

Jimim had gotten us both a cup of orange juice from the fridge. We didnt want any alcohol.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Im fine, as long as im with you." He said leaning over kissing me.

"Hey!" Some guy appeared next to me,  leaning over the counter in a flirty way.

I didnt say anything besides look dowm at my drink then back at Jimin.

"Hey look at me when i talking to you. Im trying to be nice." The man said, puting his hand on my arm so i could face him.

"Hey! Back off!" Jimin said, making his way around the counter, punch the guy.

"Bro what the hell, i was trying to be nice! Your fucking crazy!" The man said getting up and walking away.

"Jimin you didnt have to punch him!" I said, loud enough so he could hear.

"And let him try to drag you out with him? Especially right infront of me? Yeah no." He said, pulling me upstairs to Jungkooks room.

He shut the door, leaving the music faint throught the walls.

He layed down on the bed, pulling me towards him.

"This was all i wanted, just us to be alone. With no interruption or people." He said wrapping his arms around me tight.

"Then lets just stay in here the rest of the party." I said as he snickered.

"Im telling you, this party is going to last long." I sighed, sitting up.

"Im sorry you didnt get to have the day you wanted." He sat up with me, smiling at me.

"Im still with you arent I? Thats all i need." We smiled, him pulling me into a cute loving hug.

"Jimin.." I muffle in his ear, pulling away.

"Through everything, im extremely happy to be with you. I was to stubborn to realise what i really felt before and im extremely thankful you never gave up on me." He smiled, caressing my hands.

"You are by far the most amazing guy ive ever met, your the best thing that has ever happened to me, and i wasnt sure how i felt before, but now i know exactly how i feel." I breathe out.

"Jimin.. I love you." I finally said, causing him to break out into a huge smile. He grabbed me throwing back against the bed. Hugging me like crazy.

"Y/n you have no idea how long ive been waiting for you to say that!" He excitedly said, tossing us around on the bed laughing to extreme.

"Jimin, im going dizzy!" I laughed, letting him pull me up, kissing me gently.

"I love you y/n!" He said inbetween the kiss.

I broke away from the kiss, hands in his.

"Your the one thing in my life that makes me beyond happy. One day, and i mean it. One day, you will be labeled mine forever." He said, laughing.

"That probably sounds creepy, but theres no one id rather spend the rest of my life with than you." He said kissing me.

"Yours forever." I said earning a huge smile from him.

"Promise?" He asked

"Promise." I said kissing him once more before lying back on the bed in a cuddle position.

"Best birthday ever." I giggled to myself, hearing him mumble to himself, being able to hear him.

What a dork, my dork.


That's the end of the book!

I hope you guys liked it!! 💞💘

Ill be sure to try and edit this book as soon as possible!

Im not sure, but i might actually do an epilogue. We will see.

But as for now, the book is finally at its end 💘

~ Taylor 💞

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