He Wasn't Jimin

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Once Jimin had walked away from me, was tge last time ive spoken to him. It was the last time any of us had spoken to him.

Its been about 5 weeks and we havent heard anything about him.

But on the bright side, Jungkook did become responsive after my talk with Jimin that day.

Jungkook had no idea what was going when he woke up finding Jin crying his eyes out and Hoseok and i leaning over him saying how much he scared us and how we were happy he was okay.

To Jungkook, he thought he was still just sleeping from the night before.

Jungkook was released a couple days later. He's been great since, enjoying just relaxing in bed with his friends company.

"Y/n you want some?" Hoseok asked me, shoving a bag of popcorn in my face.

"Ah, no im good." I laugh pushing the bag away.

"Whatever you say, more for me." He smiled going in to take a handfull of popcorn out but was saddened when the bag was snatched out of his hands.

Jungkook had come up behind him stealing his popcorn.

"And me." He ate some of the popcorn running off with it, hiding himself in his room.

"Okay, I know Jungkook was hurt and everything but i swear if he continues to take all my food im going to out him back into the hospital." I smacked his shoulder, chuckling just a bit at his words when he was referring it all back to food.

"Dont worry man, you dont even live with him, he steals my food 24/7 it's like im going into starvation mode." Jin came up behind us sighing.

"So, any plans today?" Jin asked flopping down on the couch.

"Probably just chill and watch a few movies." Jin laughed

"On my couch? In my livingroom?" He shook his head humorously.

"I mean, if y/n wants we can always go back to her place. That way were alone." Hoseok gave me a smirk, indicating something else.

"Oh okay yeah, please go back there i dont want that on my couch." Jin furrowed his eyebrows in disgust.

"Oh but Jin, wouldnt you like the entertainment." I said causing Jin to look up at Hoseok and i.

I took hold of Hoseoks chin, pulling it closer to me. Planting small soft kisses along the edge of his jawline, making my way down to his neck, biting down gently but hard enough to earn a moan from him.

He grabbed my hands, putting them where he wanted to be touched.

My hands roamed around on his stomach all the way up to his chest.

I was about to kiss lower, that is until Jin screamed.


I broke apart from Hoseok dying of laughter, like who the hell screams that allowed.

Hoseok on the other hand looked irritated that Jin had interrupted.

"Jin what the hell!? Why are you screaming!" Jungkook ran downstairs, checking what the problem was.

"There trying to have sex infront of me, on my couch!" Jungkook didnt quite laugh but he did think it was funny.

About a week after Jungkook had been released, he confessed to still having feelings for me, but he knew i was with Hoseok and didnt want to come between us. He used the words 'I dont want to become a Jimin'.

He said as long as i was happy, he was happy and that he would always be around if i needed him.

Needless to say, its still a bit awkward when Jungkook is around Hoseok and I in these type of situations.

"We asked if he wanted the entertainment.. he didnt say no so we gave it to him." Hoseok and i began to laugh, as did Jungkook this time.

"Jin, you need to go out and get a girlfriend already! Or was it boyfriend? You've dated both, I'm not sure with you. " Jungkook laughed.

"Jungkook shut up please, go and eat that popcorn upstairs." Jin annoyingly said.

"Popcorn? My popcorn!" Hoseok jumped off the couch chasing Jungkook up the stairs, trying to save his popcorn.

"So Jin.. have you heard from Jimin?" Hopefully he has, its like Jimin went completely off the grid.

"No i haven't, and honestly i dont know what I'd do if i did." I understood what he meant. There last encounter wasnt all fun and games.

"I know I shouldn't be asking about him, but I'm worried." Jin looked confused, adjusting his position on the couch.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because the last time we saw him, or I saw him... he was completely broken. He wasnt Jimin." I played with my fingers, trying to avoid eye contact with Jin.

"Lets just hope he left to put himself back together for the better." He smiled reaching over to hold my hand.

"I hope so." My voice was low, but still giving a small smile.

"Question. If he were to come back, what would happen with you guys?" Jin asked curiously.

What would happen? I asked myself. Im in a good spot right now, would i really jeopardize my relationship with Hoseok for Jimin? Would I even forgive him? Depending on who he is when he gets back..

"Id have to see what kind of person he is when he comes back... if he comes back." Jin nodded, understanding what i was saying.

"What about Hoseok?" Whats with all the questions?

"Hoseok and I.. we're a good fit not going to lie, i love being with him, he's amazing. Theres just something missing that i cant seem to figure out what.. you know?" Jin shook his head, meaning he was confused.

"Its like Hoseok fits into everything i want, love, need, and what makes me happy, but theres a part of me that i cant seem to fill." Jin looked a bit sad, lost in thought.

"You know, with everyone here. I never ever saw you with Hoseok, I always thought it was going to end with Jungkook." I laughed remembering everything thats happened with Jungkook.

"But here you are with Hoseok, and theres no one else Id rather see you with." He smiled, getting up from his couch, waking over to me and giving a small kiss on my forehead before turning around and heading to the kitchen.

You were able to hear him rummaging through the cabinets and drawers.

"I swear if Jungkook takes my food again, im going to help Hoseok with that hospital idea." his words started to faintly fade away as he made his way to his room.


HEHEH thanks to those that actually read my book!!!

Makes me so happy that theres some people reading it!!💜

Ill update later again today, im on summer break. Ive got lots of time.

But its 6:00 am rn and i need sleep haha. Night Guys. 💜

- Taylor 💞

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