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Lance is the dog walker :>>

Lance's POV

There's three things you need to know before continuing on with this.

First one: I hated dog walking. Second, I don't get paid enough for this. Third, I only stick with this job totally not because of the route I take. It's not to sneak glances at a guy, who happens to take the  route I take and hoping he would notice me.

Cloud the golden retriever walked by my side, and I was holding the leash tightly. She can be a handful at times and she's pretty smart. "Hey Cloud."

The dog glanced at me, "Thirty minutes and then we'll go back to Hunk's place." I don't even know if she could understand me. Have you ever thought of what your pets are thinking when you talk to them? I bet they feel weird when you give them baby talk.

I continued walking with Cloud, humming a familiar song to myself. I looked around to see if the person with a dumb mullet was around. I felt my own cheeks heat up remembering that time when I saw him was at a dollar store. The smart thing to do was: run away. I was not prepared.

"Ow!" I groaned, I rubbed my head. I realized I hit a pole. I wasn't looking. I wasn't thinking straight at all. "Cloud you didn't even tell me I was going to hit a pole."

The dog lowered her head down and whimpered. I continued rubbing my head. I felt a bump in my head. Stupid. Look at where you're going, Lance.

"Hey stop!" A voice from behind me says. Dear god, I hope I'm not getting arrested for illegally downloading music. I turned around, rubbing my head. It's the mullet boy! (Not a cop)

"You're stealing my neighbor's dog!—" I grabbed something from my pocket that showed I'm a dog walker. "What the fu— Oh Hunk hired a dog walker? Hahaha.. oh god. I'm sorry carry on." He said sheepishly an awkward smile plastered on his face.  I can hear him mentally face palming.

"Is it okay if you don't mention this to Hunk?" He asked, still embarrassed about what happend.

I was stunned, I'm talking to the mullet boy! "Sure, if you're alright with having coffee later." I suddenly felt confident. And that confidence shattered into million pieces when I remembered: I didn't like coffee.

The mullet boy shifted his glance around the sidewalk. "I don't even know your name. I'm Keith Kogane."

Cloud just stood between me and Keith. "So that's your name. I'm Lance, I'm a dog walker every Saturday."

"What's your last name?" Keith asked.

I winked. "I'll give it to you someday."

Cloud barked. Aw c'mon that was smooth!

Keith rolled his eyes suppressing a smile. "I'll think about the coffee."

"You got 24 hours."

He asked, "24 hours?"

"Lots of guys and girls are after me. You need to decide fast. You're lucky that you're cute." I smirked. The first part wasn't true. One can dream.

He scoffed a blush creeping into his face. He crossed his arms. "Really?"

"Really." I smirked and got my card out with my contact number in it. "Here's my card if ever you need a dog walker."

Smooth, Lance. Smooth. I praised myself.

"I don't have a dog—"

Cloud woofed again, impatient. "I gotta go mullet, Cloud here is getting impatient. Think about the coffee." I mimicked a handgun, winking at him. Then I left with a playful smile on my lips, guiding Cloud where to go. I should walk dogs tomorrow too.

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