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"Why do you love him so much?" Lance's older twin sister named Veronica asked, leaning on Lance's door frame, watching Lance get ready for his last senior high grad ball with Keith.

When Lance and Keith started dating, it seems that everyone asks that question to Lance, and he could only come up with one answer.

Lance stared at himself at the mirror, running gel through his hair before turning to Veronica, "Remember when we watched the fireworks on New year's day last year at Abuela's place?"

Veronica nodded.

"And then you looked at me and told that you felt like nothing would be wrong with the world if we felt like this all the time?"

"Uh-huh, what about it?"

Lance smiled at her, and then gave her a look she has only seen his brother had when he was with Keith. Soft and endearing. A look that could only make you feel like you're the only one that matters in the universe. "I feel the exact way every time I look into his eyes, every time he smiles at me, every time he says my name even in annoyance 'cause I tease him about his mullet too much. He's my firework, y'know?"

Veronica walks towards him, fixing Lance's blue bowtie, letting the warm feeling of how proud she is for her brother wash over her. "Since when were you a sap? It's gross."

"You're just jealous 'cause you don't have a boyfriend." Lance teased, smirking.

Veronica rolled her eyes at that, kissing his brother's cheek. "Just go have fun tonight okay? No sneaking in alcohol. Mama will get the chanclas if you do."

Lance grinned at her, saying goodbye as he left the house to pick up his date. Veronica sighed in relief as she heard the door close, her eyes landing on Lance's drawer, something sparkly that caught her attention. Her breath hitched, as she picked the small box from Lance's night table.

How could Lance forget this?

As if on instinct, Veronica ran out of their house, not caring that she was only wearing pajamas. She spotted Lance, just about to twist the key in the car and start the engine.

"Lance!" She shouted, running towards the car's window, trying to get her brother's attention. She knocked on the car's window and Lance lowered it. Before Lance could open his mouth and question anything, his sister grabs his hand, shoving the small box with a ring on it.

"You forgot this." Veronica says as she let go of Lance's hand.

Lance opened his mouth to say something but Veronica beat him to it.

"Go get your man, Lance. You got this."

This was short but i want some sibs bonding. What do u guys think? ;;

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